Qualified Shooters
- Shooters that have shot at least one Qualifier match are now highlighted in yellow on the PRS website in the standings and also have a checkmark next to their score on their profile. Shooters with this denotation are in the running for an invitation to a year-end finale.
- A shooter can still acquire 300 points in the standings, but not be Finale qualified. This means they did not shoot a qualifier.
- Shooters that do not choose to shoot a qualifier will not be eligible for a Finale invitation.
- This applies to both the PRS Regional Series and the Pro Series.
How Scores Are Calculated:
- A shooters season points will be a sum of their three best scores, which may or may not include a qualifier.
- A “Qualified” shooters score will be a sum of their top qualifier score and their next two highest scores (the next two highest scores may or may not be qualifiers).
- In order to be qualified to shoot in a Regional or Pro series finale a shooter must shoot at least one qualifier as one of their 3 match scores.