Swainsboro, Georgia
Feb 8, 2025
142 Cool Springs Rd, Swainsboro, GA, USA MPA - Georgia
Friday Feb. 7th Tune Up day 10am-3pm EST
Sat. Feb. 8th Zero starts at Daylight.
Lunch and Water provided
Round count 110 or less
Awards following the match.
Spectators welcome
WON | Joseph Stanley | Open | 10078 | 98.000 | 100.000 |
#2 | Kahl Harmon | Open | 6500 | 95.000 | 96.939 |
#3 | Hunter Simonton | Production | 5359 | 94.000 | 100.000 |
#4 | Johannes Bachmann | Open / Suppressor | 9099 | 92.000 | 93.878 |
#4 | Rance Harrod | Open / Suppressor | 19695 | 92.000 | 93.878 |
#4 | Fred Kutscher | Open | 7268 | 92.000 | 93.878 |
#7 | CHRIS C BAXTER | Tactical | 5718 | 91.000 | 100.000 |
#8 | Paul Lapikas | Open / Suppressor | 6225 | 90.000 | 91.837 |
#9 | David Howard | Open | 9539 | 88.000 | 89.796 |
#10 | Kendal Simpson | Tactical | 4425 | 85.000 | 93.407 |
#11 | Andy Lewis | Open | 3748 | 84.000 | 85.714 |
#11 | Ben Allread | Open | 6681 | 84.000 | 85.714 |
#11 | Patrick Johnson | Open | 5614 | 84.000 | 85.714 |
#11 | Bryan Walden | Open | 16362 | 84.000 | 85.714 |
#15 | Laura Hand | Open | 8334 | 82.000 | 83.673 |
#15 | Grace Vaughn | Open | 16475 | 82.000 | 83.673 |
#15 | James Surrett | Open | 9956 | 82.000 | 83.673 |
#18 | John Merrell | Open | 6155 | 81.000 | 82.653 |
#19 | Lance Nissley | Open | 16954 | 80.000 | 81.633 |
#20 | Byron Hennecy | Open / Suppressor | 9781 | 79.000 | 80.612 |
#20 | Coker Metcalf | Open / Suppressor | 5073 | 79.000 | 80.612 |
#22 | Kenny McCarthy | Production | 16516 | 78.000 | 82.979 |
#22 | Emma Kutscher | Open | 7502 | 78.000 | 79.592 |
#22 | Kimberley Hennecy | Open / Suppressor | 10184 | 78.000 | 79.592 |
#25 | Patrick Ortland | Tactical / Suppressor | Non-PRS | 77.780 | 85.473 |
#26 | Caleb Pur | Tactical | 17421 | 77.000 | 84.615 |
#27 | austin watson | Tactical / Suppressor | 16993 | 76.000 | 83.516 |
#27 | Jack Bracewell | Open / Suppressor | 10187 | 76.000 | 77.551 |
#29 | Josh Smith | Open | 16979 | 75.000 | 76.531 |
#29 | Robbie Mcknight | Open | Non-PRS | 75.000 | 76.531 |
#31 | Scott Carter | Open | 6521 | 72.000 | 73.469 |
#31 | Tom Green | Open | 7819 | 72.000 | 73.469 |
#31 | Randell Hand | Sportsman / Suppressor | 8382 | 72.000 | 100.000 |
#31 | Joseph Salah | Open | 6611 | 72.000 | 73.469 |
#35 | Michael Manning | Open | 5560 | 71.000 | 72.449 |
#36 | Phil Cashin | Production | 1001 | 70.000 | 74.468 |
#37 | Brad Good | Open | 17320 | 69.000 | 70.408 |
#38 | Ryan Harrod | Open / Suppressor | 4201 | 68.000 | 69.388 |
#38 | Dave A | Open | 8856 | 68.000 | 69.388 |
#40 | John Ashe | Open | 19610 | 67.000 | 68.367 |
#41 | Tanner Aderhold | Production | 17090 | 66.000 | 70.213 |
#42 | Juan Martinez | Open / Suppressor | 12708 | 65.000 | 66.327 |
#42 | Clayton Thomas | Sportsman | 9945 | 65.000 | 90.278 |
#42 | Sean M Jolly | Gas Gun | 17824 | 65.000 | 100.000 |
#45 | Greg Zinn | Open | 6051 | 63.000 | 64.286 |
#45 | William Nikodem | Open | 19153 | 63.000 | 64.286 |
#47 | O Parker | Open | 8751 | 62.000 | 63.265 |
#47 | Casey Wright | Open | 1111 | 62.000 | 63.265 |
#49 | Ben Harter | Open | 10346 | 61.000 | 62.245 |
#49 | Tony Roberts | Open | 9508 | 61.000 | 62.245 |
#49 | Todd Reeves | Open | 7613 | 61.000 | 62.245 |
#52 | Royce Tilson | Open | 19374 | 60.000 | 61.224 |
#53 | Tracy Lewis | Open | 4532 | 59.000 | 60.204 |
#53 | Paul Kohler | Open | 7393 | 59.000 | 60.204 |
#55 | Mitchell Hobby | Tactical | 19469 | 57.000 | 62.637 |
#55 | Randall Nord | Open | 7159 | 57.000 | 58.163 |
#57 | Johnny Sprinkle | Open | 6383 | 56.000 | 57.143 |
#58 | Kamoi Leslie | Open | 19541 | 55.000 | 56.122 |
#59 | Miller, C | Open | 19677 | 54.000 | 55.102 |
#59 | Brock Mowry | Open | 18058 | 54.000 | 55.102 |
#59 | BJ Hill | Open | 17069 | 54.000 | 55.102 |
#62 | Adam Walker | Open | 19386 | 53.000 | 54.082 |
#63 | Mike | Production | 18739 | 51.000 | 54.255 |
#64 | Josh Milam | Open | 19350 | 49.000 | 50.000 |
#65 | William Chambers | Open | 6031 | 45.000 | 45.918 |
#66 | Joey Duncan | Open | 17341 | 42.000 | 42.857 |
#66 | Zack H | Open | 19452 | 42.000 | 42.857 |
#68 | Nate Keisler | Open / Suppressor | 14141 | 41.000 | 41.837 |
#69 | Gary Morgan | Open | 9260 | 40.000 | 40.816 |
#70 | Lee | Open / Suppressor | 19567 | 39.000 | 39.796 |
#71 | Dayna Mowry | Open | Non-PRS | 38.000 | 38.776 |
#71 | Randall McAlhaney | Open | Non-PRS | 38.000 | 38.776 |
#73 | Joshua Cupit | Open / Suppressor | 16142 | 34.000 | 34.694 |
#74 | John K | Open | 19456 | 31.000 | 31.633 |
#75 | Clint Owens | Open / Suppressor | Non-PRS | 30.000 | 30.612 |
#76 | Timothy Duncan | Open | 17342 | 28.000 | 28.571 |
#77 | W.C Hunt | Gas Gun / Suppressor | Non-PRS | 25.000 | 38.462 |
#78 | Stephen Knight | Production | 19406 | 23.000 | 24.468 |
#79 | Sean Thompson | Open | 19379 | 20.000 | 20.408 |
#80 | Jimmy Anthony | Open | Non-PRS | 19.000 | 19.388 |
#80 | Clay Hinely | Tactical | 17918 | 19.000 | 20.879 |
#82 | Alex Younger | Open / Suppressor | Non-PRS | 10.000 | 10.204 |
#83 | Kip Kirk | Production | Non-PRS | 8.000 | 8.511 |