MPA-GA PRS Regional Match at Cool Acres

Swainsboro, Georgia





Feb 8, 2025

Dec 2, 2024

142 Cool Springs Rd, Swainsboro, GA, USA MPA - Georgia


Friday Feb. 7th Tune Up day 10am-3pm EST
Sat. Feb. 8th Zero starts at Daylight.
Lunch and Water provided
Round count 110 or less
Awards following the match.
Spectators welcome


WON Joseph Stanley Open 10078 98.000 100.000
#2 Kahl Harmon Open 6500 95.000 96.939
#3 Hunter Simonton Production 5359 94.000 100.000
#4 Johannes Bachmann Open / Suppressor 9099 92.000 93.878
#4 Rance Harrod Open / Suppressor 19695 92.000 93.878
#4 Fred Kutscher Open 7268 92.000 93.878
#7 CHRIS C BAXTER Tactical 5718 91.000 100.000
#8 Paul Lapikas Open / Suppressor 6225 90.000 91.837
#9 David Howard Open 9539 88.000 89.796
#10 Kendal Simpson Tactical 4425 85.000 93.407
#11 Andy Lewis Open 3748 84.000 85.714
#11 Ben Allread Open 6681 84.000 85.714
#11 Patrick Johnson Open 5614 84.000 85.714
#11 Bryan Walden Open 16362 84.000 85.714
#15 Laura Hand Open 8334 82.000 83.673
#15 Grace Vaughn Open 16475 82.000 83.673
#15 James Surrett Open 9956 82.000 83.673
#18 John Merrell Open 6155 81.000 82.653
#19 Lance Nissley Open 16954 80.000 81.633
#20 Byron Hennecy Open / Suppressor 9781 79.000 80.612
#20 Coker Metcalf Open / Suppressor 5073 79.000 80.612
#22 Kenny McCarthy Production 16516 78.000 82.979
#22 Emma Kutscher Open 7502 78.000 79.592
#22 Kimberley Hennecy Open / Suppressor 10184 78.000 79.592
#25 Patrick Ortland Tactical / Suppressor Non-PRS 77.780 85.473
#26 Caleb Pur Tactical 17421 77.000 84.615
#27 austin watson Tactical / Suppressor 16993 76.000 83.516
#27 Jack Bracewell Open / Suppressor 10187 76.000 77.551
#29 Josh Smith Open 16979 75.000 76.531
#29 Robbie Mcknight Open Non-PRS 75.000 76.531
#31 Scott Carter Open 6521 72.000 73.469
#31 Tom Green Open 7819 72.000 73.469
#31 Randell Hand Sportsman / Suppressor 8382 72.000 100.000
#31 Joseph Salah Open 6611 72.000 73.469
#35 Michael Manning Open 5560 71.000 72.449
#36 Phil Cashin Production 1001 70.000 74.468
#37 Brad Good Open 17320 69.000 70.408
#38 Ryan Harrod Open / Suppressor 4201 68.000 69.388
#38 Dave A Open 8856 68.000 69.388
#40 John Ashe Open 19610 67.000 68.367
#41 Tanner Aderhold Production 17090 66.000 70.213
#42 Juan Martinez Open / Suppressor 12708 65.000 66.327
#42 Clayton Thomas Sportsman 9945 65.000 90.278
#42 Sean M Jolly Gas Gun 17824 65.000 100.000
#45 Greg Zinn Open 6051 63.000 64.286
#45 William Nikodem Open 19153 63.000 64.286
#47 O Parker Open 8751 62.000 63.265
#47 Casey Wright Open 1111 62.000 63.265
#49 Ben Harter Open 10346 61.000 62.245
#49 Tony Roberts Open 9508 61.000 62.245
#49 Todd Reeves Open 7613 61.000 62.245
#52 Royce Tilson Open 19374 60.000 61.224
#53 Tracy Lewis Open 4532 59.000 60.204
#53 Paul Kohler Open 7393 59.000 60.204
#55 Mitchell Hobby Tactical 19469 57.000 62.637
#55 Randall Nord Open 7159 57.000 58.163
#57 Johnny Sprinkle Open 6383 56.000 57.143
#58 Kamoi Leslie Open 19541 55.000 56.122
#59 Miller, C Open 19677 54.000 55.102
#59 Brock Mowry Open 18058 54.000 55.102
#59 BJ Hill Open 17069 54.000 55.102
#62 Adam Walker Open 19386 53.000 54.082
#63 Mike Production 18739 51.000 54.255
#64 Josh Milam Open 19350 49.000 50.000
#65 William Chambers Open 6031 45.000 45.918
#66 Joey Duncan Open 17341 42.000 42.857
#66 Zack H Open 19452 42.000 42.857
#68 Nate Keisler Open / Suppressor 14141 41.000 41.837
#69 Gary Morgan Open 9260 40.000 40.816
#70 Lee Open / Suppressor 19567 39.000 39.796
#71 Dayna Mowry Open Non-PRS 38.000 38.776
#71 Randall McAlhaney Open Non-PRS 38.000 38.776
#73 Joshua Cupit Open / Suppressor 16142 34.000 34.694
#74 John K Open 19456 31.000 31.633
#75 Clint Owens Open / Suppressor Non-PRS 30.000 30.612
#76 Timothy Duncan Open 17342 28.000 28.571
#77 W.C Hunt Gas Gun / Suppressor Non-PRS 25.000 38.462
#78 Stephen Knight Production 19406 23.000 24.468
#79 Sean Thompson Open 19379 20.000 20.408
#80 Jimmy Anthony Open Non-PRS 19.000 19.388
#80 Clay Hinely Tactical 17918 19.000 20.879
#82 Alex Younger Open / Suppressor Non-PRS 10.000 10.204
#83 Kip Kirk Production Non-PRS 8.000 8.511