November COSSA PRS Club Match





Nov 9, 2024

Oct 9, 2024


Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association (COSSA) Mile Marker 24 East of Bend on US 20 Bend Oregon Bend, OR 97709 COSSA Great Basin Precision Rifle


1-Day PRS Club Match
80-100 Rounds
8-10 Stages
300-1200 yards
0745-0845 Zero check

0845-0900 Stage briefs
0900-UTC Match execution
New shooters are always welcome!
There is no electricity or running water at the facility.
Food and drinks provided for lunch

The winning shooter was a non-Open shooter. Since all divisions can earn points in the Open divisions, this means that the Open division shooters will receive less PRS points than listed here to count towards their place in the standings. In this case, the top open shooter will receive 95.833 PRS points for the standings.


WON Corson Piper Tactical 4475 96.000 100.000
#2 JMac Open 7867 92.000 95.833
#3 Rylan M Open 13989 90.000 93.750
#3 Shannon Walker Open 15100 90.000 93.750
#5 JJ Coulter Open 19556 88.000 91.667
#6 JD Elliott Open 14923 86.000 89.583
#7 Nick Metzler Open 17670 85.000 88.542
#8 Ned McFarlane Open 17066 83.000 86.458
#9 Michael Jones Open 10262 80.000 83.333
#10 Brenton Baer Open 10066 79.000 82.292
#11 Carter McFarland Open 15255 76.000 79.167
#12 Corbin Kirkman Open Non-PRS 74.000 77.083
#13 Kurt Hinkes Open 15266 73.000 76.042
#14 Zach Hefflin Open Non-PRS 71.000 73.958
#15 Patrick Welch Tactical 17522 70.000 72.917
#16 Mike Dahlberg Open 18310 67.000 69.792
#17 Garrett Brown Production Non-PRS 63.000 100.000
#18 Gerald Hite Tactical 18194 53.000 55.208
#19 Nicholas Shimel Gas Gun Non-PRS 52.000 100.000
#20 Romain Wolhuter Production Non-PRS 47.000 74.603
#21 Ryan Weeks Open 18118 46.000 47.917
#22 Alex Kenmille Open Non-PRS 44.000 45.833
#23 Evan Robinson Open Non-PRS 35.000 36.458
#24 nicholas rice Open Non-PRS 29.000 30.208
#25 Mike T Open 18756 28.000 29.167
#26 Mark Charlton Open Non-PRS 14.000 14.583
#27 Abishai Rice Production Non-PRS 5.000 7.937
#27 Jerome Cellura Production Non-PRS 5.000 7.937
#29 Tom Bosworth Production Non-PRS 3.000 4.762