MDT Midsummer Madness 2024





Jul 27, 2024

Jun 7, 2024

2428 Aberdeen Rd, Thompson-Nicola, BC V0K 1Y0, Canada BC Precision Rifle League


Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club (50.204522, -120.883562)

Welcome to the 6th Annual MDT Midsummer Madness hosted by the BCPRL at the Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club! This years match is a return to our roots and our first ever PRS Regional Series points match (at NVFGC) so shooters, please take a moment to read through this as there is some very good info on what to expect!

Location: Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club
Directions: Drive West of Merritt on highway 8 towards Spences Bridge. Travel 8 km to Lower Nicola. Turn right onto Aberdeen road. Travel for 7.2km and the range will be on your right-hand side. Look for signage when you get close!

This is a one day, PRS Regional Series match hosted by the BC Precision Rifle League and will challenge shooters of all skill levels. This match will be challenging yet fun and fair, and will be both physically and mentally demanding. Prairie Precision Steel will be the target and hanger system of choice and we are aiming for a "standard" target size on every shot you take to maintain fairness on each shot you will break. There will be no "meatball" stages, but we're not going to punish you all day, just make you earn those points. Every stage will have some sort of stress involved; whether it be time, varying target sizes, varying target order or a challenging shooting position that the shooter must overcome. There will be many different barricades and natural terrain to navigate through while shooting the match as well so come prepared! It is not supposed to be super easy. Again, Come Prepared and be ready to have a great time!!

We strive to have minimal down time, and this year we're making an effort to minimize shooter wait times as much as we can with a new system borrowed from the PRS matches hosted in Parma, Idaho by Brady Lamm and Ja Hymer. Each shooter will receive a match book, shooter ID card and some MDT swag on "check in" and they will use that shooter ID card when moving from stage to stage to speed up shooting order. There will be dedicated RO's on each stage who's primary objective is safety and scoring, with their secondary objective being spotting. Be prepared to spot hits/misses for your fellow competitors as a back-up for the RO and once you're done shooting the stage, you will pick up all of your gear, move onto the next stage and start getting ready to shoot.

If you are available to RO for this event, please contact Josh at 778-317-7499 or All of the RO's will shoot the course of fire for score (optional) on Friday, 26 July, then they will RO Saturday for all of the shooters.

Shooters can expect ranges of 5 yards to 700 yards. Many targets will be in the 200-500 range. All target ranges will be posted along with the stage description and a target layout image at the stage. Any ranges given ahead of time will need to be verified with the ranges ON THE STAGE DESCRIPTION. Again, this is a PRS Points match, so expect there to be a decent level of challenge, but still a high hit ratio.


Calibers for the match will be 308 Win and under for rifle. No short magnums allowed (for steel preservation).
Round count will be +/- 100 rifle if you get all your shots off. Bring Extra for Re-zero, reshoots, practice after the match, etc.
Muzzle velocity for your match rifle at 3200 FPS or under. You will be required to carry all your gear with you all day. And there will be some hiking so pack accordingly. If anyone needs extra accommodation please don’t hesitate to ask.
It’s potentially going to be hot and sunny. Come with gear you need to be comfortable, however, you will have to carry it with you all day through ~2km or so. You will need some sort of back pack for at least one stage in this match.

We will have 8-10 stages over the course of the day for you guys, with the option of some side stages. It's going to be a blast. We have been working our butts off in the hopes you all have a good time. I think you will.


- RO shoot day from 0800 - (whenever we get finished) + final range setup and target verification
- Zero range open (depending on match setup), targets out to distance available to all shooters as well. Roughly 5pm-dark

- 8-10 stages, Lunch provided, snacks and water provided throughout the day.
- Safety brief at 0730, rounds down range at 0800. Providing all runs smoothly and there are no target failures, we'll be done around 1500 - 1600.
- Shooters will retrieve steel targets for their "stage number" while the final scores are tallied
- Awards and prizes done behind the main range (in the shade) as soon as possible
- Beers

- Rimfire match, Sign up will be open on Practiscore!

Waters will be provided all weekend.

Squadding/scoring-We will be doing scoring via Practiscore.


You can bring a tent if you would like. There is a large camping area for tents and trailers across the road from the range. We do not have hook ups, so it will be dry RV-ing only. Camping will be open Friday night to come out and get situated if you would like. It is a great time around the campfire with a few adult beverages after the shooting is done.


Merritt, BC (roughly 15 minutes from the range)
- Quality Inn/Super 8/Ramada Limited all are roughly $150/night.
- We are about a 2 hour drive North of Chilliwack or 3 hours North East of Vancouver.


Chamber Flags, Ear and Eye protection recommended. If you feel as if you are not a safe enough shooter to attend a match, please stay home.

We have a strict no Flagging rule. Do not lose control of your muzzle awareness or else you will be disqualified and told to stop shooting.

If you have any questions, at any point, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK: or text 7783177499!



WON Ryan Mclean Open 1407 72.000 100.000
#2 Jake Open 9731 71.000 98.611
#3 Michael Bae Open 15065 69.000 95.833
#4 Galen Shea Open 17152 68.000 94.444
#5 Jeremy Martin Open 3143 67.000 93.056
#6 Estelle B Open 15992 64.000 88.889
#7 April Hope Tactical 2671 63.000 100.000
#8 Ryan Steacy Tactical 4343 60.000 95.238
#8 Brendan Soltys Tactical Non-PRS 60.000 95.238
#8 Josh Botha Tactical 3585 60.000 95.238
#8 Jonathan Gaudreault Open 16480 60.000 83.333
#12 Joel Schneider Open 17526 59.000 81.944
#13 Dane Drzimotta Open 18685 58.000 80.556
#14 Maarten Van Ruitenburg Open 14505 57.000 79.167
#15 Daniel Ulmer Open Non-PRS 56.000 77.778
#16 Bryce Minke Open Non-PRS 55.000 76.389
#17 Darren Braconnier Open Non-PRS 54.000 75.000
#18 Adam Bach Open 17022 53.000 73.611
#18 Stuart Cameron Tactical 1439 53.000 84.127
#18 Paige Koster Open 15960 53.000 73.611
#21 Alex Manita Open 1409 52.000 72.222
#22 Philippe Tchernov Open Non-PRS 51.000 70.833
#23 Rick Launay Open 16074 50.000 69.444
#24 Anthony Bujak (RO) Open Non-PRS 45.000 62.500
#24 Jeremy Sawatzky Open 15737 45.000 62.500
#26 Robin Chahal Open Non-PRS 44.000 61.111
#26 Rob Macken Open 17225 44.000 61.111
#28 Bren McLain Tactical Non-PRS 43.000 68.254
#28 Grant Ayers Open 16214 43.000 59.722
#28 Layton Ivanoff Open Non-PRS 43.000 59.722
#28 Sam Wilgress Open Non-PRS 43.000 59.722
#32 Mat Heard Open Non-PRS 42.000 58.333
#32 Hermes Lee (RO) Tactical Non-PRS 42.000 66.667
#34 Corbin Lock Open Non-PRS 40.000 55.556
#34 Brennan Gardner Open Non-PRS 40.000 55.556
#34 Joe Rushant Open Non-PRS 40.000 55.556
#37 James Crane (RO) Open Non-PRS 39.000 54.167
#37 Josh Anderson (RO) Open Non-PRS 39.000 54.167
#37 Steven Stratidakis Open 17443 39.000 54.167
#40 Albert Liao Open Non-PRS 38.000 52.778
#40 Josh Salzmann Open Non-PRS 38.000 52.778
#42 Remy Godzisz Open Non-PRS 37.000 51.389
#43 Alexander Treit Open Non-PRS 36.000 50.000
#44 Ryan Holmquist Open 15238 34.000 47.222
#44 Warren Moxley (RO) Production Non-PRS 34.000 100.000
#44 Paul Saulnier Open Non-PRS 34.000 47.222
#47 Mike Dawson Open Non-PRS 31.000 43.056
#48 Justin Alexander Open Non-PRS 30.000 41.667
#48 Matt Briggs Open Non-PRS 30.000 41.667
#50 Ante Zulj Open Non-PRS 29.000 40.278
#51 Aaliyah Moxley (RO) Open Non-PRS 28.000 38.889
#52 Neil Ballantyne Production Non-PRS 27.000 79.412
#52 Morgan Judiesch Open Non-PRS 27.000 37.500
#52 Bryan Snow Open 15138 27.000 37.500
#52 Hyundo Sung Open 18298 27.000 37.500
#52 Zhiqian Zhang Production Non-PRS 27.000 79.412
#57 Greg Taylor (RO) Open Non-PRS 26.000 36.111
#58 Allan Johanson Open Non-PRS 25.000 34.722
#59 Thomas Crassweller Tactical Non-PRS 24.000 38.095
#59 Cory Howe Open 16513 24.000 33.333
#59 Jason Wan (RO) Open Non-PRS 24.000 33.333
#62 Tremayne Heikkila-Sawan Open Non-PRS 23.000 31.944
#62 Francis Hine Open Non-PRS 23.000 31.944
#62 Brad Neels Open Non-PRS 23.000 31.944
#62 Guanhua (Gavin) Wang Tactical Non-PRS 23.000 36.508
#66 Mya Schneider (RO) Open Non-PRS 22.000 30.556
#66 Nikolas Van Open Non-PRS 22.000 30.556
#66 eric cao Gas Gun Non-PRS 22.000 100.000
#69 Keadon Braconnier Open Non-PRS 21.000 29.167
#70 Lisa Hertay Open 16093 20.000 27.778
#70 Bronwyn Rutherford Open Non-PRS 20.000 27.778
#72 Mike Botha Open Non-PRS 17.000 23.611
#72 Jared Penner Open Non-PRS 17.000 23.611
#74 Ed Hing Open Non-PRS 16.000 22.222
#74 Alex Pop (RO) Open Non-PRS 16.000 22.222
#76 Randy Elgin Open Non-PRS 15.000 20.833
#76 TongZhou Song Tactical Non-PRS 15.000 23.810
#76 Ron Vandervaate Open Non-PRS 15.000 20.833
#79 Eric Ho Production Non-PRS 14.000 41.176
#79 Devan Stulp Open Non-PRS 14.000 19.444
#81 Dustin Donald Production Non-PRS 13.000 38.235
#82 Dewei (David) Jiang Production Non-PRS 12.000 35.294
#82 Patrick Welch Open 17522 12.000 16.667
#84 Alexis Hill Open Non-PRS 11.000 15.278
#84 Candra Major Open Non-PRS 11.000 15.278
#84 Sharilyn Van Ruitenburg Open Non-PRS 11.000 15.278
#87 Trent Balon Open Non-PRS 9.000 12.500
#88 Anatoly Ivanoff Open Non-PRS 8.000 11.111
#89 Olivia VanRuitenburg Open Non-PRS 7.000 9.722
#90 Andy Yung Gas Gun Non-PRS 2.000 9.091