Friday Night Lights

Princeton, Minnesota





Jul 7, 2023

Mar 7, 2023

10604 40th St, Princeton, MN 55371, USA MNPR-Midwest


Match starts: July 07, 2023 @ 5:00 PM · Match ends: July 07, 2023 @ 10:00 PM

10604 40th St. Princeton MN 55371
Princeton, MN 55371

This 22 rimfire match will have the feel and design of a small monthly match, RO Option #3
This match is affiliate with PRS for PRS 22 points.
No traditional prize table.
I hope to have a small trophy for top placements.

2 Stages will have a designated RO's and can be shot any time from 5pm until end of the match.
the other 4 stages will be shot as squads starting at 6 pm.
Zeroing board will open at 4 pm and remain open the entire night.

You will receive the video safety brief before the day of the match. Please watch before you get to the range to save time.
If you register for the centerfire match on Saturday you will get a preregistration code.
No refunds will be given but you can sell your spot to another shooter.

The winning shooter was a non-Open shooter. Since all divisions can earn points in the Open divisions, this means that the Open division shooters will receive less PRS points than listed here to count towards their place in the standings. In this case, the top open shooter will receive 93.220 PRS points for the standings.


WON Logan Kangas Rimfire Production Non-PRS 59.000 100.000
#2 Jeff Kangas Rimfire Production Non-PRS 58.000 98.305
#3 Eric W Rimfire Open 15406 55.000 100.000
#4 Dave Gundry Rimfire Open Non-PRS 54.000 98.182
#4 Troy Tyson Rimfire Open 1471 54.000 98.182
#6 Eric Fast Rimfire Open Non-PRS 51.000 92.727
#7 Tyler Adamski Rimfire Open Non-PRS 49.000 89.091
#8 Alan Jedlicki Rimfire Open Non-PRS 46.000 83.636
#9 Trenton PETERSON Rimfire Open 15382 44.000 80.000
#9 Jake Gundry Rimfire Open Non-PRS 44.000 80.000
#11 Jordan Beckman Rimfire Open Non-PRS 42.000 76.364
#11 Suzie Lundsten Rimfire Open Non-PRS 42.000 76.364
#11 Philip Meinert Rimfire Open Non-PRS 42.000 76.364
#14 Kelly Bebeau Rimfire Open Non-PRS 40.000 72.727
#15 Bob Botzek Rimfire Open 15735 38.000 69.091
#16 Tim Warner Rimfire Open Non-PRS 37.000 67.273
#16 Scott Weiler Rimfire Open 5464 37.000 67.273
#18 EZ Rimfire Open 16376 36.000 65.455
#19 Adam Lundsten Rimfire Open Non-PRS 5.000 9.091