South Carolina Precision Rifle Challenge at The Clinton House Plantation 8-05-2023





Aug 5, 2023

Apr 5, 2023

Clinton House Plantation 15171 SC-56 Clinton, SC 29325 PRS at The Clinton House Plantation PRS at The Clinton House Plantation


The Clinton House Plantation is proud to present the first Precision Rifle Series (PRS) sanctioned, center fire match series in the state of South Carolina. Tommy Goodson will be the Match Director and shooters can expect a fun, fair, and challenging event.

Target engagements will be between 300 - 1100 yards including a moving target. Shooters will encounter various shooting props and positions. This will be a beginner friendly environment, yet even the most experienced shooters will be challenged. The round count for the match is no more than 100 rounds.

The required Shooter's Brief will begin at 7:30am. First shots fired at 8:00am.

A 100-yard zero range will be available on Friday August 4th, from 10:00am - 3:00pm and on Saturday June 5th prior to the 7:30am Shooter's brief at no additional cost.

A tune-up day will also be held on Friday, August 4th, from 10:00am - 3:00pm for a $25 cash fee due upon arrival. Tune-up will include the opportunity to live and dry fire from the props on the newly designed long-distance range.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday, August 5th.

Match fees are non-refundable nor transferable to another date. A match slot may be sold to another shooter up to one week prior to the match date with approval from the match director.

Lodging and campsites available on site. Contact The Clinton House Plantation at (864) 833-0274 for details

email Tommy Goodson with match or admin questions


WON Kahl Harmon Open 6500 94.000 100.000
#2 Andrew Davis Open 6298 92.000 97.872
#2 Terry Gower Open 1894 92.000 97.872
#4 Keith Rudasill Production 3571 88.000 100.000
#4 Zachary Medlin Open 6478 88.000 93.617
#6 Patrick Johnson Open 5614 86.000 91.489
#6 Kyle Johnson Open 4685 86.000 91.489
#8 Scott B Open 16546 83.000 88.298
#9 Chris Valdes Open 10819 81.000 86.170
#9 P.Laurvick Open 9667 81.000 86.170
#9 Kenny McCarthy Production 16516 81.000 92.045
#12 Nicklaus Wright Open 9414 80.000 85.106
#13 Sean D Open 16561 79.000 84.043
#14 Nathan Miller Open 13118 78.000 82.979
#14 Hunter Simonton Production 5359 78.000 88.636
#14 Francisco Open 13447 78.000 82.979
#17 James Wazeter Open 16159 77.000 81.915
#17 Brent Gunn Tactical 445 77.000 100.000
#19 Adam Blackstone Open 7032 76.000 80.851
#19 Miles McEver Open 9723 76.000 80.851
#21 Will Golden Open 5143 75.000 79.787
#21 Tracy Lewis Open 4532 75.000 79.787
#21 Greg Zinn Open 6051 75.000 79.787
#24 Joe Loehle Open 4158 74.000 78.723
#24 austin watson Open 16993 74.000 78.723
#24 Roger Curry Open 7477 74.000 78.723
#24 Bill Blackmore Open 8324 74.000 78.723
#28 Jack Bracewell Open 10187 73.000 77.660
#28 Mike Sexton Open 5555 73.000 77.660
#28 Pat Moore Open 2166 73.000 77.660
#31 Michael Manning Open 5560 72.000 76.596
#31 Eli Cox Open 8940 72.000 76.596
#31 Lance Garmon Open 9154 72.000 76.596
#31 Michael Nguyen Open 5572 72.000 76.596
#35 Paul Lapikas Open 6225 71.000 75.532
#36 Rodney Rossignol Production Non-PRS 70.000 79.545
#36 Bradley Ash Open 14895 70.000 74.468
#38 Austin Reece Open 13288 69.000 73.404
#38 Palmer Sasscer Open 7486 69.000 73.404
#38 Jesse W Open 7200 69.000 73.404
#38 James Seagraves Open Non-PRS 69.000 73.404
#42 James Surrett Open 9956 68.000 72.340
#42 Garrett Open 9590 68.000 72.340
#42 Jody Weigle Production 5451 68.000 77.273
#45 Ian Smith Tactical Non-PRS 65.000 84.416
#46 Adolphus Jones Open Non-PRS 64.000 68.085
#46 Christian Griffeth Open Non-PRS 64.000 68.085
#48 Nate W Open 10625 61.000 64.894
#48 Alex Watson Open Non-PRS 61.000 64.894
#48 Mike Obrien Tactical Non-PRS 61.000 79.221
#48 Nate Keisler Open 14141 61.000 64.894
#48 Cory Weiss Open Non-PRS 61.000 64.894
#48 JOHN PLASKY Open 14991 61.000 64.894
#54 Richard Ross Open Non-PRS 56.000 59.574
#55 Drew Lacour Open 4743 55.000 58.511
#56 Vasileios Bardis Open 6960 54.000 57.447
#56 Joseph Salah Open 6611 54.000 57.447
#58 Ryan Hemingway Tactical Non-PRS 52.000 67.532
#58 Bradley Argus Tactical Non-PRS 52.000 67.532
#60 KhaymKhaym Open 10111 51.000 54.255
#61 Phillip Miller Open 2919 50.000 53.191
#62 Adam Moses Production Non-PRS 48.000 54.545
#63 David Martens Production Non-PRS 47.000 53.409
#64 Dave Schroder Open Non-PRS 45.000 47.872
#65 Chris Polson Production 16782 44.000 50.000
#66 Jon Moline Open Non-PRS 43.000 45.745
#67 Rick Glessman Open Non-PRS 42.000 44.681
#68 Michael Heidel Open Non-PRS 41.000 43.617
#68 Shannan Miller Open Non-PRS 41.000 43.617
#70 Eric Conway Open Non-PRS 39.000 41.489
#71 Alex Roe Tactical Non-PRS 36.000 46.753
#72 Robert Humphries Open Non-PRS 28.000 29.787
#73 Kevin Kelly Open 14648 25.000 26.596
#73 Camron Fitzsimmons Open Non-PRS 25.000 26.596