Fingerlakes Series 2023 PRS Rimfire Match #12 @ MPRC






Match starts: March 25, 2023 @ 11:00 AM · Match ends: March 25, 2023 @ 4:00 PM

7210 Glen Haven Rd
Homer NY 13077

Welcome to match #12 of the 2023 PRS Rimfire Season! This match will consist of 7 stages of fire with steel targets out to 360 yards. You will need 75 rounds of ammunition minimum.

This match is part of the Finger Lakes Precision Series and will count for Series points, and end of season prizes.

Shooters will need a .22LR rifle and .22LR ammo (75 rounds) capable of 1 MOA accuracy, a scope with a measurement reticle (we highly recommend a 30MOA or 40MOA scope mount rail to reach the long distances), and a bipod, at minimum. Any other equipment (shooting bags, bipods) may be borrowed at the match from the MD or other shooters. As always, we are always welcoming and helpful to new competitors!

RO Option 3 (“Lead Roaming RO’s”) will be utilized in this match. The Match Director will be one of the lead roaming RO's and may shoot the match per section 3.1.10 of the PRS Rimfire rules.

The Match Book will be posted when completed. Match Books will also be provided at match check-in.

This match will immediately follow our March 2023 NRL22 / MARS match. Lunch will be provided for shooters that are participating in both matches. Water is available for all shooters. Lunch is $5 for those shooting only 1 match.

1100-1130 Open Range/Zero Range/Lunch
1130 Shooter meeting
NOON Match Start

It is the shooters responsibility to know the PRS Rimfire Rules and Regulations prior to a competition.

Cost is $25 per shooter paid in cash during match check-in.


WON Matthew Hui Rimfire Open 9347 37.000 100.000
#2 Russ Rodrigues Rimfire Production 9119 32.000 100.000
#3 Brad O’Grady Rimfire Open 14286 27.000 72.973
#4 Mikey Miller Rimfire Open 9920 26.000 70.270
#5 Scott Jones Rimfire Open 7270 24.000 64.865
#6 Gab Jones Rimfire Open 14513 22.000 59.459
#7 Trysten Husted Rimfire Production 13589 21.000 65.625
#8 Pascal Jolicoeur Rimfire Open 9794 20.000 54.054
#9 Robert Gordon Rimfire Open 2012 19.000 51.351
#10 Jordan James Rimfire Production Non-PRS 16.000 50.000
#11 Gregory Soucie Rimfire Open 13562 14.000 37.838
#11 Ryan Steger Rimfire Open Non-PRS 14.000 37.838
#11 Roy J Bergmark Rimfire Open 13588 14.000 37.838
#14 Tyler Ciaschi Rimfire Open 16239 13.000 35.135
#15 Hashem Hamdy Rimfire Open Non-PRS 12.000 32.432
#16 Nick Tabone Rimfire Production Non-PRS 10.000 31.250
#17 Will Adams Rimfire Open 16173 8.000 21.622