South Carolina Precision Rifle Challenge at The Clinton House Plantation





Apr 8, 2023

Feb 19, 2023

Clinton House Plantation, 15171 SC-56 Clinton, SC 29325 PRS at The Clinton House Plantation


Match starts: April 08, 2023 @ 7:30 AM · Match ends: April 08, 2023 @ 5:00 PM

Clinton House Plantation is proud to present the first Precision Rifle Series (PRS) sanctioned, center fire match in the state of South Carolina. Tommy Goodson will be the Match Director and shooters can expect a fun, fair, and challenging event.

Target engagements will be between 300 - 1100 yards including a moving target. Shooters will encounter various shooting props and positions. This will be a beginner friendly environment, yet even the most experienced shooters will be challenged. The round count for the match is no more than 100 rounds.

The required Shooter's Brief will begin at 7:30am. First shots fired at 8:00am.

A 100-yard zero range will be available on Friday April 7th, from 10:00am - 3:00pm and on Saturday April 8th prior to the 7:30am Shooter's brief at no additional cost.

A tune-up day will also be held on Friday, April 7, from 10:00am - 3:00pm for a $25 cash fee due upon arrival. Tune-up will include the opportunity to live and dry fire from the props on the newly designed long-distance range.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday, April 8th.

Lodging and campsites available on site. Contact The Clinton House Plantation at (864) 833-0274 for details

Venue Address:
Clinton House Plantation
15171 SC-56
Clinton, SC 29325


WON Kahl Harmon Open 6500 90.000 100.000
#2 Koy Sauer Open 4665 85.000 94.444
#3 Troy Lawton Open 686 82.000 91.111
#3 James Wazeter Open 16159 82.000 91.111
#5 HUTCH Open 6951 79.000 87.778
#5 Laura Hand Open 8334 79.000 87.778
#7 Bill Jordan Open 6062 78.000 86.667
#8 Daniel McLeroy Production 6978 76.000 100.000
#9 Pat Moore Open 2166 74.000 82.222
#10 Chris Valdes Open 10819 72.000 80.000
#10 Matt Sprouse Open 6074 72.000 80.000
#10 Josh Hughes Open 6359 72.000 80.000
#13 Patrick Johnson Open 5614 70.000 77.778
#14 Brad Jackson Production 6414 68.000 89.474
#14 Owen Pickens Open 14037 68.000 75.556
#16 Nate Keisler Open 14141 67.000 74.444
#17 Joseph Stanley Open 10078 65.000 72.222
#17 Eli Cox Open 8940 65.000 72.222
#17 Sean D Open 16561 65.000 72.222
#20 Tommy Butler Production 8054 64.000 84.211
#21 Roger Curry Open 7477 63.000 70.000
#22 Jeff Tripp Tactical 2422 62.000 100.000
#22 Scott Bourcier Open Non-PRS 62.000 68.889
#24 Austin Blanks Open 5171 61.000 67.778
#25 JOHN PLASKY Open 14991 59.000 65.556
#25 Justin Ash Open 14998 59.000 65.556
#27 Tom Sellers Production 9226 58.000 76.316
#27 Grant Watson Tactical 9426 58.000 93.548
#29 Paul Jenkins Open 3627 57.000 63.333
#30 Patrick Seader Open 16841 56.000 62.222
#30 Jamie Surrett Open Non-PRS 56.000 62.222
#30 Chip Hardee Open Non-PRS 56.000 62.222
#33 Greg Zinn Open 6051 55.000 61.111
#34 Greg Cannon Open 4992 54.000 60.000
#35 Randell Hand Open 8382 53.000 58.889
#36 Bill Blackmore Open 8324 52.000 57.778
#37 Joseph Salah Open 6611 51.000 56.667
#38 Adam Stultz Open 10328 50.000 55.556
#39 Christian Griffeth Open Non-PRS 49.000 54.444
#40 Paul Lapikas Open 6225 48.000 53.333
#40 Adam Blackstone Open 7032 48.000 53.333
#42 C.L. Lupton III Open Non-PRS 47.000 52.222
#42 Gary Morgan Production 9260 47.000 61.842
#44 Tom Green Open 7819 46.000 51.111
#45 Greg Moore Open 4819 44.000 48.889
#46 Michael Schlack Open 1802 43.000 47.778
#46 Michael Berger Production Non-PRS 43.000 56.579
#46 Vasileios Bardis Open 6960 43.000 47.778
#49 Jody Weigle Gas Gun 5451 41.000 100.000
#50 Chris Sorrells Open Non-PRS 40.000 44.444
#51 Alex Watson Open Non-PRS 38.000 42.222
#52 Kevin Kelly Open 14648 37.000 41.111
#52 Chricel Pace Open Non-PRS 37.000 41.111
#54 Jeffrey Abraham Open Non-PRS 35.000 38.889
#55 robert strother Open Non-PRS 34.000 37.778
#56 Bradley Ash Open 14895 32.000 35.556
#56 Justin King Open 3290 32.000 35.556
#58 Ian Smith Tactical Non-PRS 30.000 48.387
#58 Garrett Open 9590 30.000 33.333
#60 Adolphus Jones Open Non-PRS 25.000 27.778
#61 Jacob Kohler Open 9103 23.000 25.556
#62 Dyvon Wilkins Gas Gun Non-PRS 22.000 53.659
#62 George Rahn Open 4768 22.000 24.444
#64 stephanie knight Open 8218 21.000 23.333
#65 Jason S Open Non-PRS 20.000 22.222
#65 Tim Potter Open Non-PRS 20.000 22.222
#65 Robert Humphries Production Non-PRS 20.000 26.316
#68 Drew Lacour Open 4743 19.000 21.111
#69 Brent Gunn Open 445 18.000 20.000
#70 Paul Kohler Open 7393 17.000 18.889
#70 Michael Manning Open 5560 17.000 18.889
#70 Adam Pye Open Non-PRS 17.000 18.889
#73 Riley Schlack Open Non-PRS 15.000 16.667
#73 Garrett Wymer Open Non-PRS 15.000 16.667
#73 Austin Rizer Open Non-PRS 15.000 16.667
#76 Dave Schroder Open Non-PRS 14.000 15.556
#76 Don JaBonis Open Non-PRS 14.000 15.556
#78 mike obrien Gas Gun Non-PRS 13.000 31.707
#79 Cody Rockwood Open 15203 10.000 11.111
#80 Daniel McClellan Open Non-PRS 9.000 10.000
#81 Brian Russell Open Non-PRS 8.000 8.889
#82 Brad Good Open Non-PRS 7.000 7.778
#82 Ryan Wicker Open 6215 7.000 7.778
#84 Heidi Beaumont Open 4993 6.000 6.667
#84 Jade Creasman Tactical Non-PRS 6.000 9.677
#84 Ryan Hemingway Open Non-PRS 6.000 6.667
#87 Robert Mcknight Production Non-PRS 5.000 6.579
#88 Eric Mueller Open Non-PRS 4.000 4.444
#88 Alexis Rabun Tactical Non-PRS 4.000 6.452
#88 David Thomas Open 6153 4.000 4.444