Monthly Match





Mar 27, 2022

Nov 25, 2021

7282 N. FM 51 Decatur, TX 76234 Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds


Monthly Match, 8 Stages, 70-80 rd count.

The winning shooter was a non-Open shooter. Since all divisions can earn points in the Open divisions, this means that the Open division shooters will receive less PRS points than listed here to count towards their place in the standings. In this case, the top open shooter will receive 100.000 PRS points for the standings.


WON Arick Souvanna Production 5237 70.000 100.000
#2 Jake Graves Open 5442 68.000 100.000
#3 Payton Grimes Open 6855 67.000 98.529
#4 Kyle Marsh Open 6661 64.000 94.118
#4 Lance Echols Open 5018 64.000 94.118
#4 Clark Rab Open 7150 64.000 94.118
#7 Brandon Estep Open 4879 63.000 92.647
#7 James Darby Open 6896 63.000 92.647
#9 Jason Elliott Open 1692 62.000 91.176
#10 Shayne Ward Open 8655 61.000 89.706
#10 Bo Austin Moseley Open 8949 61.000 89.706
#12 Tony Gohr Open 5053 60.000 88.235
#12 Roderick Riley Open 1997 60.000 88.235
#14 Clayton Porter Tactical 3193 59.000 100.000
#14 Ryan Hey Open 512 59.000 86.765
#16 Kevin Unnerstall Open 8725 58.000 85.294
#17 Daniel Phipps Open 5853 57.000 83.824
#18 Brandon Ullrich Open Non-PRS 56.000 82.353
#19 Chris Perry Open 8293 55.000 80.882
#19 Mark Itzstein Open 7769 55.000 80.882
#21 Dwight Toth Open Non-PRS 54.000 79.412
#21 Tim Raffety Open 6596 54.000 79.412
#23 Todd Kovach Open Non-PRS 51.000 75.000
#24 Andy McCulloch Open 5739 49.000 72.059
#24 Rutter Nate Open Non-PRS 49.000 72.059
#26 Eric Lee Open 5781 48.000 70.588
#27 Dee McEwen Open 1274 43.000 63.235
#28 Gene Rodgers Open 7360 42.000 61.765
#29 Richard Stallcup Open 6135 40.000 58.824
#30 Randy Caster Open 7998 38.000 55.882
#31 David Unnerstall Open 8989 34.000 50.000
#31 Cody Pierson Open 9572 34.000 50.000
#33 Jason Brickel Open Non-PRS 33.000 48.529
#34 Drew Combs Open Non-PRS 30.000 44.118
#35 Tony Cherryhomes Open Non-PRS 29.000 42.647
#36 jason nelson Open 4732 27.000 39.706
#37 Caitlin Huckaby Open Non-PRS 26.000 38.235
#38 Roy Fisher Open Non-PRS 25.000 36.765
#39 Hunter Short Open Non-PRS 24.000 35.294
#40 Kennyrz Open 9952 23.000 33.824
#41 Jacob Cole Tactical 9925 20.000 33.898
#42 Tyler Wiggins Tactical 9301 19.000 32.203
#43 Clement Kim Open Non-PRS 18.000 26.471
#44 Richard Pettis Open Non-PRS 17.000 25.000
#45 Larry Carnes Open 67 13.000 19.118
#46 Yo Adrian! Open 9931 8.000 11.765
#47 Bob Sanchez Open 6763 3.000 4.412