New York Precision Inc PRS Club Match June 12, 2021





Jun 12, 2021

Apr 1, 2021

Olean Rod and Gun Club, 2023 Wayman Branch Rd, Olean, NY 14760 New York Precision Inc


This match will be a 1-Day PRS Regional Qualifier Match. It will be held at the Olean Rod and Gun Club, 2023 Wayman Branch Rd, Olean, NY 14760. This match will consist of 8 stages and use between 72 to 80 rounds. Targets will be between 300-600 yards. All PRS and Olean Rod and Gun Club Rules and NYS Laws will be abided by. This match is open to Bolt Action and NY SAFE Act compliant semi-autos, to prevent any violations of the NY SAFE Act. Semi-autos will be treated as Open, Tactical, or Production in compliance with PRS Divisions.

Registration will be on the New York Precision webpage. You will be emailed the link to squad on PractScore within 24 hours of registration.

No refunds will be given for any reasons.


WON Scott TeCulver Open 4421 86.000 100.000
WON Daniel Bergum Open 3932 86.000 100.000
WON Eric Kobetitsch Open 5166 86.000 100.000
#4 Ian Kinal Open 4435 83.000 96.512
#5 Jason Burdick Production 4356 82.000 100.000
#6 Jim Baughman Production 7435 79.000 96.341
#7 Eugene Jankowski Jr. Open 1891 77.000 89.535
#7 Joe Gemballa Open 2673 77.000 89.535
#9 Lee Reeves Open 3832 76.000 88.372
#10 Lester Miller Open 6800 72.000 83.721
#11 Kenn Burdick Open 1800 70.000 81.395
#12 Carlo LoDico Open 8302 68.000 79.070
#12 Dave Open 7503 68.000 79.070
#14 Collin Zahn Open 4445 66.000 76.744
#15 Heath Suraba Open 1849 65.000 75.581
#16 Gary schlicht Production 6887 62.000 75.610
#17 Ryan Lampman Production 8132 61.000 74.390
#18 Matthew Davison Open 7428 60.000 69.767
#18 Matthew Wingard Open Non-PRS 60.000 69.767
#18 Allen Esterly Tactical 5282 60.000 100.000
#21 Carlo J Lodico Open Non-PRS 59.000 68.605
#22 Bengie Troyer Open Non-PRS 58.000 67.442
#23 Michael Sciandra Open 6037 55.000 63.953
#23 Jason Mulderig Production Non-PRS 55.000 67.073
#25 Joshua Tice Open Non-PRS 54.000 62.791
#26 Stefanie Burdick Production 3866 52.000 63.415
#27 Kevin Saintey Production 5816 51.000 62.195
#28 John Mulderig Production Non-PRS 50.000 60.976
#28 Evan T. Open 7894 50.000 58.140
#30 Mike Nadig Open 3859 46.000 53.488
#31 Jamie McDonough Production 6884 44.000 53.659
#32 Jason Winchester Open Non-PRS 43.000 50.000
#33 Jack Bergum Open Non-PRS 42.000 48.837
#34 Cameron Burdick Open Non-PRS 36.000 41.860
#35 Chris Dowd Open 7987 33.000 38.372
#36 Randy Sherman Production Non-PRS 17.000 20.732
#37 Isaias Tactical 7169 12.000 20.000