Tactical Matches .308 ONLY

Houston, Texas





Jan 1, 2015




When: October 24-25, 2014
Trainup: October 20-22, 2014
Where: Rifles Only, Kingsville, TX
Registration: August 6, 10am at Registration Link
Cost: $275 Match, $600 Trainup

We are very excited to see this match coming together. Registration is quickly approaching please make sure and make plans to register and attend. A couple of things to note about the match.

  • Trophy / Cash Payback Match
  • 308 only, restricted to 168-178 grain bullets, please no cheating as ammo is subject to random checks
  • Come ready to have fun and hit a lot of targets
  • Round count will be TBD


WON Zach Scurlock Open 46 116.000 100.000
#2 Aaron Roberts Open 395 113.500 97.845
#3 Tim Milkovich Open 33 105.500 90.948
#4 chance durbin Open Non-PRS 103.500 89.224
#5 raoul graham Open Non-PRS 101.500 87.500
#6 eric garza Open Non-PRS 99.000 85.345
#6 Kevin Elpers Open 6 99.000 85.345
#6 Paul Reid Open 243 99.000 85.345
#9 Jake Vibbert Open 241 98.000 84.483
#10 Larry Orines Open 607 97.500 84.052
#11 Daniel Davis Open 608 94.000 81.034
#12 Pete Carpentier Open 24 92.500 79.741
#13 Sean Hardy Open Non-PRS 89.000 76.724
#13 Josh Pipes Open 19 89.000 76.724
#15 Robert Fields Open Non-PRS 84.500 72.845
#16 David Griffith Open 615 83.000 71.552
#17 Regina Milkovich Open 32 81.000 69.828
#18 Chris Mitchell Open 589 80.000 68.966
#19 morgan lamprecht Open Non-PRS 79.500 68.534
#20 mark young Open Non-PRS 77.000 66.379
#21 Ryan Miller Open 12 71.500 61.638
#22 Paul Blunt Open 605 71.000 61.207
#23 Josh Hunter Open 475 68.500 59.052
#24 karl adcock Open Non-PRS 67.000 57.759
#25 Dave Ferguson Open 273 66.000 56.897
#26 matt seigenga Open Non-PRS 59.000 50.862
#26 GARY JONAS Open 684 59.000 50.862
#28 Carl Matthews Open Non-PRS 58.000 50.000
#29 Ryan Hey Open 512 56.000 48.276
#29 Rickie Stephens Open 494 56.000 48.276
#29 lee dowdy Open Non-PRS 56.000 48.276
#32 Kurt Olsen Open Non-PRS 49.500 42.672
#33 ivan dorglinger Open Non-PRS 40.000 34.483
#34 Aaron adcock Open 546 39.000 33.621
#35 neil baker Open Non-PRS 12.000 10.345