Jul 13, 2019
Mar 13, 2019
7858 Preserve Rd, Waterman, IL 60556, United States Aurora Sportsmen's Club - Waterman, IL
Welcome to the Aurora Sportsmen's Club Practical Precision Rifle 2019 Season
Practical Precision Rifle Matches are a fast paced long range shooting competition that will test your rifle marksmanship as you manage various barricades and obstacles to engage targets from 100 - 600 yards. Matches are divided up into 10 stages were you will engage steel targets from different supported and unsupported positions as well as managing various barricades for support. Target sizes are designed to be challenging. Target distances are usually known so shooters should have a good DOPE out to 600 yards.
Matches are held every SECOND SATURDAY of the month APRIL through OCTOBER. Excluding SEPTEMBER due to the ASC Zombie Shoot on September 14th. Registration opens up at 8am. Mandatory safety brief at 8:30 am. Matches start at 9am. Matches typically take 3 - 4 hours to complete. Any time left over we tend to use as a free shot or we will hold a bonus match.
Bolt action rifles are the most common firearm of choice but Semi-automatic platform rifles are welcome.
Bolt action rifles and semi-automatic rifles will be scored the same.
Magnum calibers are not allowed. Please adhere to a 3100 fps maximum muzzle velocity for all rounds fired. Typical calibers are .308, 6.5 Creedmoor, .260 Remington, 6mm, 7mm, and .243 Winchester
Shooters should bring a scoped rifle, bipod, ammo and good DOPE. Shooters can also use support bags and slings but are not required. Certain stages may limit the use of support bags and props.
The Rules:
Shoot what you bring
You must compete in all stages with the same rifle
You must attend the safety brief and adhere to all of the safety rules
Each target impact is worth 1 point with the exception of KYL racks. The shooter with the highest point total at the end of each match will be declared the match winner. The winner of the match will always receive 100 points and the last place finisher will always receive roughly 50 points. All remaining field shooters will receive points based on their finish place and match factor.
A match has 45 shooters. Match Factor Calculation 50/ 45 shooters = 1.11 Match Factor.
1st place = 100, 2nd place = 100 – 1.11 = 98.89, 3rd place = 98.89 – 1.11 = 97.78 etc….
Shooters top three scores will be added together to establish the shooters overall season points. The shooter with the highest number of points for the season at the conclusion of the finale match will be declared the 2018 PPR champion! The finale match will be worth double points.
This is only the scoring system for the Aurora Sportsmen's Club. When scores are uploaded to Border Wars Series, PRS Club Series etc shooter match points will be formulated based on the scoring systems established for those series. Shooters should reference the individual scoring systems for the match series they are participating in to understand how your final match points will be calculated.
Border Wars Series:
This year The ASC PPR Team is once again proud to be affiliated with the Border Wars Series to provide a regional competition for Midwest shooters. This series was developed by Jim See, a highly-rated PRS shooter in Iowa. This year the series has partnered with the National Rifle League to provide shooters with the best competition and match support. Shooters looking to participate in the Border Wars Series will need to preregister on the National Rifle League page (https://nationalrifleleague.org/product-category/memberships/). Registration is $50 for the year. Members will have access to preregister for series matches before they are open to the general public. ASC will be hosting two matches during the 2019 Season. Match fee will be $50 ea for these matches. There will be a very generous prize table from industry sponsors at the season finale. Every Border Wars Series match will have a generous prize table as well with a trophy awarded to the Top Shooters. A portion of every prize table items will also be raffled off via random draw so every shooter has a chance to win at every match. More information about the Border Wars Series can be found on the webpage: http://bwrifle.com/ & https://nationalrifleleague.org/
ASC will be hosting two Border Wars Matches this year.
Saturday, May 11, 2019 & Saturday, July 13, 2019.
Please note that due to the high popularity of the Border Wars Series registration for Border Wars Matches will be done exclusively through the Border Wars //NRLWebpage.
Shooter scores from the two Border Wars matches at ASC will also be included in the ASC PPR Season Points Race as well.
Shooters who want to participate in the ASC Border Wars Matches but are not registered Border Wars Shooters will have an opportunity to fill the un-used registrations once the Border Wars Match Registration has closed. The remaining slots will be limited and granted on a first come first serve basis.
Precision Rifle Series Club Series:
The ASC PPR team is also pleased to announce its partnership with the Precision Rifle Series Club Series (PRS Club Series) in 2019. Similar to the Border War Series registered shooters will have access to a series of 1 day club matches hosted at various clubs in the Midwest region. Shooters will be scored against other shooters in the region with the top shooters being invited to a finale match. Registration is $40 for the year. More information about the series can be found here: https://www.precisionrifleseries.com/profiles/clubs/MW
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Contact Jonathan Trice with any questions or comments.
Cell: 312-656-8404
Email: JonathanTrice@gmail.com
WON | Brandon Patchett | Open | Non-PRS | 77.000 | 100.000 |
WON | Zach Rose | Open | 3472 | 77.000 | 100.000 |
#3 | Matt Wheeler | Open | Non-PRS | 74.000 | 96.104 |
#4 | Garry Hahn | Open | 4560 | 73.000 | 94.805 |
#5 | Matt Collins | Open | Non-PRS | 71.000 | 92.208 |
#5 | Jerry Zwolen | Open | 3295 | 71.000 | 92.208 |
#7 | Andy Folk | Open | 1277 | 66.000 | 85.714 |
#8 | Matthew Saban | Open | Non-PRS | 65.000 | 84.416 |
#9 | Jared Bomkamp | Open | 1434 | 64.000 | 83.117 |
#9 | Stephen Feldt | Open | Non-PRS | 64.000 | 83.117 |
#11 | Chad Heckler | Open | 5027 | 62.000 | 80.519 |
#12 | Austin Wubbels | Open | Non-PRS | 61.000 | 79.221 |
#13 | Zuteus Sevenants | Open | Non-PRS | 60.000 | 77.922 |
#13 | Przemyslaw Baczek | Open | Non-PRS | 60.000 | 77.922 |
#15 | Eric Murray | Open | Non-PRS | 59.000 | 76.623 |
#16 | Cory Saxsma | Open | 2031 | 58.000 | 75.325 |
#16 | Scott Pennebaker | Open | Non-PRS | 58.000 | 75.325 |
#18 | Chris Gudath | Open | Non-PRS | 57.000 | 74.026 |
#19 | Jonathan Trice | Open | 897 | 56.000 | 72.727 |
#20 | Jon Pedzinski | Open | 5337 | 55.500 | 72.078 |
#20 | Bill Rentmeester | Open | 3767 | 55.500 | 72.078 |
#22 | David Wheeler | Open | 2978 | 55.000 | 71.429 |
#22 | Chance Gilpin | Open | Non-PRS | 55.000 | 71.429 |
#22 | Luke Clement | Open | Non-PRS | 55.000 | 71.429 |
#25 | Aaron Hendricks | Open | Non-PRS | 54.000 | 70.130 |
#26 | John O'Connell | Open | Non-PRS | 53.500 | 69.481 |
#27 | Dennis Downing | Open | Non-PRS | 52.000 | 67.532 |
#28 | Michael Elle | Open | Non-PRS | 51.000 | 66.234 |
#29 | Mark Robles | Open | 3942 | 50.000 | 64.935 |
#29 | Matthew Gibson | Open | Non-PRS | 50.000 | 64.935 |
#31 | Dariusz Goraczynski | Open | 2562 | 49.000 | 63.636 |
#32 | Brian Johnson | Open | Non-PRS | 48.000 | 62.338 |
#33 | Jim Williams | Open | Non-PRS | 47.000 | 61.039 |
#34 | Bill Bakopoulos | Open | Non-PRS | 46.000 | 59.740 |
#35 | Ben Bentley | Open | Non-PRS | 41.000 | 53.247 |
#36 | John Selvage | Open | Non-PRS | 40.500 | 52.597 |
#37 | Brad Faber | Open | Non-PRS | 39.000 | 50.649 |
#38 | Darin Metheny | Production | 5271 | 38.500 | 100.000 |
#39 | Eric Carstensen | Tactical | Non-PRS | 38.000 | 100.000 |
#39 | Alexander Bol | Open | Non-PRS | 38.000 | 49.351 |
#41 | Richard Anderson | Open | Non-PRS | 37.500 | 48.701 |
#42 | Matthew Grimm | Open | Non-PRS | 37.000 | 48.052 |
#43 | Manuel Medina | Open | Non-PRS | 36.000 | 46.753 |
#44 | Stefan Dembinski | Open | Non-PRS | 35.000 | 45.455 |
#45 | Craig Lubrano | Open | Non-PRS | 33.500 | 43.506 |
#46 | Tucker Pickel | Open | Non-PRS | 31.000 | 40.260 |
#47 | David Skitarelic | Open | 31 | 30.500 | 39.610 |
#47 | Jeffrey Spidle | Open | 5272 | 30.500 | 39.610 |
#49 | Jack Calzaretta | Open | Non-PRS | 30.000 | 38.961 |
#50 | John Sirovatka | Open | Non-PRS | 27.500 | 35.714 |
#51 | Kyle Bellgraph | Open | 920 | 27.000 | 35.065 |
#52 | Robert Hidding | Open | Non-PRS | 24.500 | 31.818 |
#53 | Mark Lewis | Open | 4869 | 24.000 | 31.169 |
#54 | Dimitrios Parhas | Open | Non-PRS | 20.500 | 26.623 |
#55 | Tim Andriesen | Open | 3982 | 19.000 | 24.675 |
#56 | Daniel Gonzalez | Open | Non-PRS | 16.000 | 20.779 |
#57 | David Smith | Open | Non-PRS | 15.500 | 20.130 |