July 7th we are having our 1st quarterly PRS club match
at Reveille Peak Ranch
same location as the PRS Points match in Sept.
0700-0800 Registration/Zero (please come to the match zeroed)
0800-0830 Safety Brief
0830 Match Begins
~ 1500 Match ends
8 stages, Prone and positional. Expect targets from ~ 300-1200yds. 1 Point
per hit. Limited rounds and par times on each stage. This match will follow
the PRS Bolt gun rules (limited rounds and par times) but feel free to come
out and use your gas gun if you want! We will not be running separate
gas-gun stages. We will be submitting scores to the PRS Club series.
Scoring on iPads via Practiscore.
100 Rounds or less. No Pistol.
Bolt or Gas rifles, 3200fps max.
We will not be providing lunch or water on this 1st quarterly match. Please
make sure you bring enough water and snacks.
$40 per shooter with $10 mulligan available at registration. Mulligan
allows a shooter to re-shoot one stage of the match. Mulligan score counts
and replaces original score. Mulligan must be shot at the stage you want to
use it at while your squad is there (IE no returning to a stage at the end
of the match out of order).
Contact: Tyson Brown - [email protected]
WON | Stewart Robbins | Open | 1949 | 47.000 | 100.000 |
#2 | Prentice Wink | Open | 2697 | 45.000 | 95.745 |
#3 | Morgan Lamprecht | Open | 1316 | 43.000 | 91.489 |
#4 | Jason Gutierrez | Open | 1257 | 42.000 | 89.362 |
#5 | James Griffith | Open | 4715 | 41.000 | 87.234 |
#6 | Larry Orines | Open | 607 | 40.000 | 85.106 |
#6 | Keith Rudasill | Open | 3571 | 40.000 | 85.106 |
#6 | Paul | Open | 1799 | 40.000 | 85.106 |
#9 | Tim Miller | Open | 2150 | 38.000 | 80.851 |
#9 | Jeff Plunkett | Open | 4038 | 38.000 | 80.851 |
#9 | Clark Curnutt | Open | 3661 | 38.000 | 80.851 |
#9 | Coulter Mariott | Open | 4104 | 38.000 | 80.851 |
#13 | Les Stone | Open | 2096 | 37.000 | 78.723 |
#13 | Scott Weaver | Open | 2423 | 37.000 | 78.723 |
#13 | Lance Dingler | Open | 1880 | 37.000 | 78.723 |
#13 | Ryan Hey | Open | 512 | 37.000 | 78.723 |
#17 | Josh Fromme | Open | Non-PRS | 36.000 | 76.596 |
#17 | Johnny Nguyen | Open | 1127 | 36.000 | 76.596 |
#17 | Armand Aligno | Open | 1329 | 36.000 | 76.596 |
#17 | Ben Crouch | Open | 291 | 36.000 | 76.596 |
#21 | Larry Deese | Open | Non-PRS | 35.000 | 74.468 |
#21 | Tyson Brown | Open | 1589 | 35.000 | 74.468 |
#21 | Chad Kitzmann | Open | 435 | 35.000 | 74.468 |
#24 | Cory West | Open | 176 | 33.000 | 70.213 |
#24 | Matt Brean | Open | Non-PRS | 33.000 | 70.213 |
#26 | SHANE GUINTHER | Open | Non-PRS | 32.000 | 68.085 |
#26 | Justin Morris | Open | Non-PRS | 32.000 | 68.085 |
#28 | Craig Bartley | Open | Non-PRS | 30.000 | 63.830 |
#29 | Justin Lehman | Open | Non-PRS | 29.000 | 61.702 |
#30 | Nicholas Vedros | Open | 957 | 28.000 | 59.574 |
#31 | Josh Davis | Open | Non-PRS | 26.000 | 55.319 |
#31 | Jay Onorato | Open | Non-PRS | 26.000 | 55.319 |
#33 | Hubert Gonzales | Open | 3963 | 25.000 | 53.191 |
#33 | Scott Womack | Open | 4544 | 25.000 | 53.191 |
#35 | Jon Mercado | Open | Non-PRS | 24.000 | 51.064 |
#35 | Eric Nguyen | Open | Non-PRS | 24.000 | 51.064 |
#35 | Bannon Eldridge | Open | 66 | 24.000 | 51.064 |
#35 | Stephen Le | Open | Non-PRS | 24.000 | 51.064 |
#39 | OSCAR SALAZAR | Open | Non-PRS | 23.000 | 48.936 |
#39 | Jacob Walcik | Open | Non-PRS | 23.000 | 48.936 |
#41 | Casey Stripling | Open | 3224 | 21.000 | 44.681 |
#42 | Randy Thomas | Open | Non-PRS | 18.000 | 38.298 |
#43 | Forest Barber | Open | 840 | 17.000 | 36.170 |
#44 | Jeff Felty | Open | 4295 | 15.000 | 31.915 |
#45 | John Davis | Open | Non-PRS | 14.000 | 29.787 |
#46 | Charlie McGowen | Open | Non-PRS | 11.000 | 23.404 |
#47 | Sean Schade | Open | Non-PRS | 9.000 | 19.149 |
#48 | Larry Neal | Open | 4358 | 8.000 | 17.021 |
#49 | John Conkling | Open | Non-PRS | 5.000 | 10.638 |
#50 | Casey Stripling | Open | 3224 | 4.000 | 8.511 |