CORE Fall Classic





Oct 27, 2018

Jun 27, 2018

8300 Mashourn Forks Road, Baker, Florida


CORE Shooting Solutions is proud to announce The Core Fall Classic. This competition promises to offer stage designs and concepts never before seen at CORE. The utilization of both man-made and natural obstacles are sure to test your speed and precision thru this demanding course of fire. Experienced shooters will be challenged and new shooters will find this to be a fair and enjoyable experience.

Train Up/Range Day

Friday, September 1st will be an Open Range Day. Shooters who choose to register for this day will be able to utilize the facility from 1000h to 1500h. During this time, shooters will be able to shoot and gather data from 100-1000 yards as well as shoot the moving targets.


Calibers are limited to nothing larger than a 30 cal projectile and a maximum velocity of 3200fps.

Round count for the competition will be approximately 200 per shooter, the exact count will be emailed to registered shooters as we get closer to the match.

No equipment is off limits in this match, if you believe it could help you complete the course of fire you may bring it. That said, no equipment other than standard gear will be necessary to successfully complete the COF.


WON Brandon Hembree Open 235 170.000 100.000
#2 Caleb Gidcumb Open 1941 165.000 97.059
#2 Tyler Payne Open 330 165.000 97.059
#4 Ben Gossett Open 458 163.000 95.882
#5 Kevin Shepherd Open 704 162.000 95.294
#6 Mark Cooper Open 3751 161.000 94.706
#7 Dave Ferguson Open 273 160.000 94.118
#7 Coulter Mariott Open 4104 160.000 94.118
#7 Craig Arnzen Open 2761 160.000 94.118
#10 Bryan Lewis Open 2158 159.000 93.529
#10 Phil Cashin Open 1001 159.000 93.529
#12 (Vacated) Open Non-PRS 158.000 92.941
#12 Steven Zipparo Open 4664 158.000 92.941
#14 Michael Schlack Open 1802 157.000 92.353
#15 Troy Lawton Open 686 156.000 91.765
#15 Lee Eldridge Open 2126 156.000 91.765
#17 Chris Adolphsen Open Non-PRS 155.000 91.176
#17 Michael Carnell Open 1303 155.000 91.176
#19 Luke Guidry Open 1313 154.000 90.588
#20 Al Olivier Open 2010 153.000 90.000
#20 Joe Burdick Open 1343 153.000 90.000
#20 Jaclyn Bryan Open 2889 153.000 90.000
#23 Jim Saunders Open 325 151.000 88.824
#23 Ethan Poe Open 2330 151.000 88.824
#23 Andy Lewis Open 3748 151.000 88.824
#23 Derek Webster Open 3282 151.000 88.824
#27 Chuck Liveoak Open 537 148.000 87.059
#27 Tom Fuller Open 346 148.000 87.059
#29 Bradley Hall Open 2049 147.000 86.471
#29 Eddie Trahan Open 1672 147.000 86.471
#29 Josh Hunter Open 475 147.000 86.471
#32 Jon Williams Open 1677 146.000 85.882
#33 Jason Miller Open 3637 145.000 85.294
#34 Daniel Bergum Open 3932 144.000 84.706
#34 Bill Nix Open 592 144.000 84.706
#36 Jorge Bonilla Open 284 143.000 84.118
#36 Ted Gadoury Open 2028 143.000 84.118
#36 Tony Arcement Open 2008 143.000 84.118
#36 Kevin Cardin Open 721 143.000 84.118
#40 Jeremy Gilliam Open 1728 142.000 83.529
#40 Bobby Keigans Open 4159 142.000 83.529
#40 Cole Burkhalter Open 3885 142.000 83.529
#43 Scott Peterson Tactical 1412 141.000 100.000
#43 Dan Chattin Open 2544 141.000 82.941
#43 Matthew Gervais Open 387 141.000 82.941
#43 BUCK HOLLY Tactical 1357 141.000 100.000
#43 Trinity Brown Open 804 141.000 82.941
#48 Melissa Gilliland Open 317 140.000 82.353
#48 Spenser Berry Tactical 2558 140.000 99.291
#48 Fred Mudd Open 3664 140.000 82.353
#51 Andy Hawkins Open 967 139.000 81.765
#51 Les Stone Open 2096 139.000 81.765
#51 Jordan Glassman Tactical 2266 139.000 98.582
#51 Dee McEwen Open 1274 139.000 81.765
#55 Rick Reeves Open 108 138.000 81.176
#56 Collin Murphy Open 1304 137.000 80.588
#57 Matthew Bailey Open 4558 136.000 80.000
#57 Tim Heaton Open 2647 136.000 80.000
#59 John Green Open 1293 135.000 79.412
#59 Allen Abisia Open 3944 135.000 79.412
#59 Prentice Wink Open 2697 135.000 79.412
#62 Roy Drew Open 271 134.000 78.824
#63 Patrick Murphy Open 1280 133.000 78.235
#63 Tyler Holmes Open 2667 133.000 78.235
#65 Corey Gumbert Open 2923 132.000 77.647
#65 Thomas Schuenemeyer Open Non-PRS 132.000 77.647
#65 Justin Schumacher Open 3189 132.000 77.647
#68 Matt Tuzzo Open 3629 131.000 77.059
#68 Kendal Simpson Open 4425 131.000 77.059
#68 Joseph Arabie Open 1974 131.000 77.059
#68 John Hoolihan Open 626 131.000 77.059
#72 James Gilliland Open 337 130.000 76.471
#72 Danny Matthews Open 782 130.000 76.471
#74 Mike Rutledge Open Non-PRS 128.000 75.294
#75 Jonathan Gurley Open Non-PRS 127.000 74.706
#76 Christy Hembree Open 2106 126.000 74.118
#77 Greg Schexnailder Open 646 124.000 72.941
#77 Ryan Hey Open 512 124.000 72.941
#79 Rick Risinger(RRS) Open Non-PRS 122.000 71.765
#80 woody satayabut Open 1758 121.000 71.176
#81 Srdjan Prodanovich Open Non-PRS 119.000 70.000
#82 Nicholas Fitton Open 305 117.000 68.824
#82 Trey Faccone Tactical Non-PRS 117.000 82.979
#84 Aaron Kincaid Open 3096 116.000 68.235
#85 Lou Levy Open Non-PRS 115.000 67.647
#86 Marc Olivier Open 1673 113.000 66.471
#86 Matt Phillips Open Non-PRS 113.000 66.471
#88 William Ketchersid Open 3865 112.000 65.882
#89 Jason Spradling Open 4083 110.000 64.706
#90 CHRIS FOWLER Open 3207 108.000 63.529
#91 Dan Hall Open 4138 107.000 62.941
#92 Alison Thalacker Open 563 105.000 61.765
#93 Justin Helms Open 4313 103.000 60.588
#94 Jeff Whitaker Open 1598 102.000 60.000
#95 Teresa Drew Open 1032 101.000 59.412
#95 David Sorge Open 4227 101.000 59.412
#95 Rick LeMonnier Open 1999 101.000 59.412
#98 Stuart Hoyer Open 3799 99.000 58.235
#99 Jay Rutter Open 2314 98.000 57.647
#100 Abbi Ketchersid Open Non-PRS 93.000 54.706
#100 Quentinlee Morgan Open 530 93.000 54.706
#102 Corey Adamski Tactical 4325 91.000 64.539
#103 Federico Rosales Open Non-PRS 65.000 38.235
#104 Morgan Ketchersid Open Non-PRS 64.000 37.647
#105 Jason Winkleblack Open 3056 58.000 34.118
#106 Crystal Abisia Open Non-PRS 14.000 8.235