1K+PR Match #4

Bertrand, Nebraska





Feb 23, 2025

Jan 26, 2025


43625 Rd 749, Bertrand, Nebraska 68927, USA 1K+PR


The 4th precision rifle match of the 2025 season for 1K+PR. This match will count for points in the PRS Midwest Regional Series. The course of fire (COF) will consist of 8 stages with a round count of no more than 100 rds. Shooters can expect a straightforward COF that is centered around the practical application of marksmanship. The COF will include a mixture of prone and positional stages with targets ranging to 1200 yards. Competitors can expect stages to include prone, multiple positions, tripod, mag changes, and a few stages with higher round counts. Rifles must be under .30 cal and 3200 fps and must not have a magnum bolt face. No steel core ammo is allowed.

Registration is limited to 40 spots. Check in will start at 0900. Safety brief will begin at 1000. During check in, there will be a 100 yard zero board and targets at 300, 600, & 1000 yards available to shoot at no cost. For more information please check out 1kplus.com/1kpr or our 1K+PR Facebook group page. Any questions please don't hesitate to email us at 1kpluspr@gmail.com

The closest accommodations will be Lexington, Ne and Johnson Lake. Lexington is a good size community with many hotels, restaurants, and a Walmart. Johnson Lake has multiple AirBnB hosts and one of the better NE Game & Parks ran campgrounds in the state. Johnson Lake also has gas stations and restaurants around the lake. Both Lexington and Johnson Lake are approximately 15 mins northwest of our range.

When: February 23 , 2025
Where: 1000 Plus, LLC 43625 Rd 749 Bertrand NE
Cost: $60
Check In Start: 0900
Safety Brief: 1000
COF: 8 stages / 100 rounds
Contact: 1kpluspr@gmail.com


WON Joe Thielen Open 1962 72.000 100.000
WON Nicholas Borges Open / Suppressor 2838 72.000 100.000
#3 paul watson Open 19613 69.000 95.833
#3 JARRED HORSKY Open 2705 69.000 95.833
#5 Eric Eshbach Open 18684 64.000 88.889
#6 Shaun Hill Open / Suppressor 10953 63.000 87.500
#7 JJHALL Open 14500 61.000 84.722
#8 Kelsey Empting Open 10690 60.000 83.333
#8 Matthew Nolan Open Non-PRS 60.000 83.333
#10 Kyle Pelster Open 15647 59.000 81.944
#11 Thomas Kernes Open 1328 55.000 76.389
#12 Sam Schrock Open 19415 53.000 73.611
#13 Shawn Heyden Open / Suppressor Non-PRS 52.000 72.222
#13 Sean O'Connor Open 19397 52.000 72.222
#15 Travis Oltman Open Non-PRS 50.000 69.444
#16 Mike Hansen Open Non-PRS 46.000 63.889
#17 Sean Travers Open / Suppressor Non-PRS 41.000 56.944
#18 Travis Elfgren Tactical Non-PRS 35.000 100.000
#19 Seth Burrows Gas Gun / Suppressor 4584 34.000 100.000
#20 Taylor Woodward Open 1796 27.000 37.500
#21 Jeff Davis Open 2382 17.000 23.611
#21 Gunnar Couture Gas Gun Non-PRS 17.000 50.000
#23 Andrew Cochran Open Non-PRS 15.000 20.833