Sheepdog Centerfire Regional 2 Qualifier

Catskill, New York





Jun 8, 2024

May 8, 2024


104 Haines Rd, Catskill, NY, USA Sheepdog Warrior


This will be a PRS New England Regional points match. 8-10 stages, Please bring at least 130 rounds to complete the COF. Range gates will open at 7:30am, Zero range opens at 8:15am, Shooters meeting at 8:50, Match will start around 9:10-9:30. All PRS rules apply.
There are NO REFUNDS for any reason, once you sign up, it is your responsibility to make it to the match. If the match is canceled for some reason then we will either issue refunds or reschedule. Matches will NOT be canceled for rain. We will hold the match unless weather conditions are deemed dangerous by the match director. Weather conditions in the North East change drastically. Please understand that we cannot control the weather. The match director will do everything in his power to complete the match if possible.


WON Etienne Vachon Open 13513 63.000 100.000
#2 Philippe Landry Open 9914 61.000 96.825
#2 Tyler Johnson Open Non-PRS 61.000 96.825
#4 Yanick Sab Leblanc Open 3379 60.000 95.238
#4 Bryan Pinto Open 9421 60.000 95.238
#4 Kurt Ives Open 7398 60.000 95.238
#7 Rob Meyer Open 3726 59.000 93.651
#8 Philip Guglielmo Open 9435 58.000 92.063
#9 Andrew Santheson Open 6276 57.000 90.476
#9 Anthony Milano Open 9702 57.000 90.476
#9 Nelson Drolet Open 18182 57.000 90.476
#9 Peter Adams Open 9877 57.000 90.476
#13 Mike Lombardi Open 4114 56.000 88.889
#14 Kolan Gilmour Open 9302 54.000 85.714
#14 Steve Shaver Open 5796 54.000 85.714
#14 Adam Palmeri Open 7909 54.000 85.714
#17 JOSEPH ROMANO Open 3717 53.000 84.127
#18 Joseph Kuntzsch jr Open 6593 51.000 80.952
#18 Sean Bolopue Open 9206 51.000 80.952
#18 Luke Houghton Open 13615 51.000 80.952
#21 Dan Tatem Open 5789 49.000 77.778
#21 Brad O’Grady Open 14286 49.000 77.778
#21 Stephen Gaumond Open 6856 49.000 77.778
#24 Riley Stewart Tactical 17167 48.000 100.000
#24 Heidi Beaumont Open 4993 48.000 76.190
#26 Brian C Miller Open 15672 47.000 74.603
#27 Tony Rocco Open 16209 44.000 69.841
#28 Jeffrey Hoag Open 9828 43.000 68.254
#28 Robert DePianta Open 5788 43.000 68.254
#30 Pascal Jolicoeur Open 9794 42.000 66.667
#30 Denny Open 7400 42.000 66.667
#30 chris woodhouse Open 10402 42.000 66.667
#33 Brendan Duffy Gas Gun 17431 41.000 100.000
#34 Colin Hart Open 13567 40.000 63.492
#35 Joe Goparian Production 18190 39.000 100.000
#35 Benny Housh Open Non-PRS 39.000 61.905
#37 Michael Pescetti Production 10138 38.000 97.436
#38 Brenden C. Tactical 13823 36.000 75.000
#39 Harry Dutton Open 13593 35.000 55.556
#39 Mike Open 15418 35.000 55.556
#41 Aaron L Production 9445 34.000 87.179
#42 Eugene Mun Production 14958 33.000 84.615
#42 Sean McGovern Open 18730 33.000 52.381
#42 Deborah Gaumond Open 6854 33.000 52.381
#45 Andrew Harris Open 14358 32.000 50.794
#46 Mike Mezey Open Non-PRS 31.000 49.206
#46 Christian Bilius Open 9634 31.000 49.206
#48 Chris Koveleski Open 9205 30.000 47.619
#49 Gab Jones Open 14513 28.000 44.444
#50 Chris Sculti Open 16545 26.000 41.270
#51 Damon Parsons Open 10397 24.000 38.095
#52 Dalton Kates Gas Gun 6998 23.000 56.098
#53 Donald Timpanaro Tactical 7947 22.000 45.833
#54 Ryan Bender Open Non-PRS 20.000 31.746
#54 Bryan Bartush Production 7986 20.000 51.282
#56 Karyn Palmeri Open 9365 18.000 28.571
#57 Matthew Lundy Open 18064 17.000 26.984
#58 Alex Fang Open 16716 16.000 25.397
#59 Rick Marshall Open 12884 14.000 22.222
#60 Nick M. Production 18065 13.000 33.333
#61 Kurt Merkle Production 18338 8.000 20.513
#62 Koby Foley Tactical Non-PRS 4.000 8.333
#62 Adam Keeler Production 18265 4.000 10.256