Friendship, Indiana
This PRS REGIONAL POINTS SERIES MATCH match will consist of 10 stages of positional and modified prone shooting. Shooters will engage targets out to 525 yards and expect to shoot a total of 10 stages. Please bring 100 rounds of ammunition (additional ammo is suggested if you need to zero). Par time will be 105 seconds (1min 45sec) for each stage.
It is expected of you as a shooter to have a rifle capable of 1 MOA accuracy or better, adjustable/exposed turrets for dialing elevation and windage adjustments, and also an understanding of your rifle ballistics and verified data to accurately shoot 550 yards.
There will be a food vendor on site providing breakfast and lunch on site at the shooters expense. Please bring the necessary snacks needed to sustain throughout the day.
All match payments are not refundable and under no circumstances can be transferred to a future match. If a shooter desires to Transfer their slot, they must contact the Match Director with a replacement name and email prior to 10 days before match. Any exchanges past this date will not be permitted.
Registration / Check in / Zero Range - 8:00am
Zero Range Closes at 9:00am
Safety Brief - 9:00am
First Shots Fired - 9:15am
End of Match - 3:00 pm (Trophies will be Presented)
WON | Keith Cole | Open | 7725 | 91.000 | 100.000 |
WON | Blake Whitham | Open | 16317 | 91.000 | 100.000 |
#3 | John Boyken | Open | 8420 | 85.000 | 93.407 |
#4 | Preston Metzger | Open | 16057 | 81.000 | 89.011 |
#4 | Shaun Begle | Open | 6474 | 81.000 | 89.011 |
#6 | james Barker | Open | 7540 | 80.000 | 87.912 |
#7 | Tim Barker | Open | 9349 | 77.000 | 84.615 |
#8 | Jason Bockelman | Open | 6039 | 76.000 | 83.516 |
#9 | Kory Frederick | Open | 15855 | 74.000 | 81.319 |
#10 | John Wisley | Open | 16415 | 73.000 | 80.220 |
#11 | David LeMaster | Open | 13552 | 70.000 | 76.923 |
#12 | Jason Fey | Open | 13498 | 64.000 | 70.330 |
#13 | Aaron Myers | Open | Non-PRS | 60.000 | 65.934 |
#13 | Travis Vail | Open | 5362 | 60.000 | 65.934 |
#15 | Tyler Volz | Open | Non-PRS | 59.000 | 64.835 |
#16 | Adam Hoskins | Open | Non-PRS | 58.000 | 63.736 |
#17 | Chris Cash | Open | 14652 | 55.000 | 60.440 |
#18 | Bryan Ostendorf | Open | Non-PRS | 54.000 | 59.341 |
#19 | Terry Whaples | Open | 9910 | 51.000 | 56.044 |
#20 | Drew Seward | Open | Non-PRS | 50.000 | 54.945 |
#21 | Andy Riley | Gas Gun | 5361 | 46.000 | 100.000 |
#22 | Levi Marshall | Tactical | Non-PRS | 45.000 | 100.000 |
#23 | Justin Stabler | Open | Non-PRS | 40.000 | 43.956 |
#24 | Aaron Steele | Open | Non-PRS | 33.000 | 36.264 |
#25 | Andy Lowe | Open | Non-PRS | 28.000 | 30.769 |