Chase the Adventure





Jul 22, 2023

Mar 22, 2023

1838 Middle Calmar Rd, Decorah, IA 52101, USA Chase The Adventure


Welcome to Chase the Adventure - PRS regional Qualifier Match with Cash Payouts to the Top Shooters.

Squading will happen at Shooter Sign-in the morning of the match.

7-8AM Shooter Sign in at the Lodge
8:00 Shooter Safety meeting at the Lodge
8:15 Leave for Range (5 Min drive)
8:30 Range Hot
Awards after the match completion at the lodge.
Bring your Lunch - No food offered.

10 Stage
100 round count

No Food Plan - Bring you Snacks and Lunch
Water will be available on the range

Range Location
Chase the Adventure
1838 Middle Calmar Rd,
Decorah, IA 52101

Decorah had several options available.

Match Director:
Jim See


WON jamie b Open 15246 85.000 100.000
#2 Kent Thostenson Open 14410 82.000 96.471
#3 Steven Feldt Open 5991 79.000 92.941
#3 Ted Hoeger Open 8512 79.000 92.941
#5 Dennis Downing Open Non-PRS 78.000 91.765
#6 Jeffrey Pobanz Open 15296 75.000 88.235
#7 Jason Lehman Open Non-PRS 71.000 83.529
#8 Scott Pennebaker Open 6513 70.000 82.353
#9 Gerrid Mellmann Open 9328 69.000 81.176
#9 Anthony Wychules Open 5721 69.000 81.176
#11 Adam Eischeid Open 9652 68.000 80.000
#12 Brent Harlan Open 5806 67.000 78.824
#13 Josh Sateren Open Non-PRS 66.000 77.647
#13 Nick Steder Open 1136 66.000 77.647
#15 Trevor Hoffman Open 14035 65.000 76.471
#15 Reed Schwarck Open 4006 65.000 76.471
#17 Eric Murray Open 2365 63.000 74.118
#17 Matt Saban Open Non-PRS 63.000 74.118
#19 Taylor Kojis Open 9888 62.000 72.941
#20 Jon Geranen Open 9499 61.000 71.765
#21 Dave Gundry Open Non-PRS 60.000 70.588
#22 Micah V Open 15215 59.000 69.412
#23 Zach Rose Open 3472 58.000 68.235
#24 Ethan Settle Open Non-PRS 53.000 62.353
#25 Lars Hovden Open 15576 52.000 61.176
#25 Thomas Kernes Open 1328 52.000 61.176
#27 Ashley Downing Open Non-PRS 51.000 60.000
#28 Jared Bomkamp Open 1434 50.000 58.824
#28 DUSTIN HELTEN Open 1524 50.000 58.824
#30 Jeffrey Spidle Open 5272 46.000 54.118
#31 Kalayna Downing Open Non-PRS 45.000 52.941
#31 Zach Emmerson Open 9796 45.000 52.941
#33 Bill Stein Open Non-PRS 43.000 50.588
#34 Jonathan Trice Open 897 41.000 48.235
#35 Jim Bodensteiner Open Non-PRS 39.000 45.882
#36 Aaron S Open 16509 37.000 43.529
#37 Derrick VanZandt Production Non-PRS 36.000 100.000
#38 Grant Gyllander Open Non-PRS 33.000 38.824
#38 Creighton Stifel Open Non-PRS 33.000 38.824
#40 Lucas Roe Open 15152 32.000 37.647
#41 Roumel Reynon Production 16382 31.000 86.111
#42 Zach Schmidt Open 16564 27.000 31.765
#42 Joseph Smith Open 16357 27.000 31.765
#44 Andy Dunt Production Non-PRS 23.000 63.889
#45 Steve Curns Production Non-PRS 22.000 61.111
#46 Zuteus Sevenants Open 10027 16.000 18.824
#47 Jordan Beckman Open Non-PRS 15.000 17.647