SW Regional Qualifier- Fall Showdown

Peoria, Arizona





Sep 9, 2023

May 10, 2023


10402 West Old Carefree Highway, Peoria, Arizona 85383, USA AZ Precision Rifle


PRS SW Regional Series match hosted by AZLRPRS at CowTown Range. Participants will need between 80 to 100+ rifle rounds for the competition, final round count will be sent to competitors before the match. Target distances will be between 100 yards and 1000+ yards. Events will take place on the upper west shooting platforms.

****Cost for the match is $60 CASH.****

Please be sure you're able to attend PRIOR to registering. We understand that things happen, but we also want to ensure there are registration spots available for people who will show up. Please make sure to withdraw through Practiscore. This should be done no later that Wednesday prior to the match date.

Registration will be done solely through Practiscore. Check-in will be from 0630-0645. Rounds go downrange starting at 0700, rain or sweltering shine. Rifles should be capable of holding 1MOA. Calibers limited to anything between .223 and .30cal (300WM) and may not exceed 3200 fps in velocity.

Please be sure to bring hearing and eye protection (required). Bring plenty of water and electrolytes. Knee and elbow pads are recommended. Chamber flags are required. If you do not have one, some may be available onsite.

Scores for the match will be posted through Practiscore within 24 hours of the match ending.

** All registrations MUST be completed prior to arriving at CowTown.** Each squad will have at least one "pro" and/or "semi-pro" who have been placed on each squad by the MD's prior to squadding being opened. All competitors are expected to assist the squad leaders with scoring, spotting, and running the clock. You have until Thursday evening at 8pm to register. Because of this, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO "DAY OF" REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED regardless of how good of friends you think you are with the Match Director(s).** Please be sure you're able to attend PRIOR to registering.

The winning shooter was a non-Open shooter. Since all divisions can earn points in the Open divisions, this means that the Open division shooters will receive less PRS points than listed here to count towards their place in the standings. In this case, the top open shooter will receive 94.828 PRS points for the standings.


WON Randy Biersdorff Production 10210 58.000 100.000
#2 MIKE REED Open 8407 55.000 100.000
#2 Mark Open 13807 55.000 100.000
#4 Ethan Nelson Open 4273 54.000 98.182
#4 Terry Conaway Open 5088 54.000 98.182
#6 Jeff Shaffer Open 7170 53.000 96.364
#7 Uriah Nielson Open 5583 52.000 94.545
#8 Robert Mahaffey Open 16479 51.000 92.727
#9 Mark Liu Open 6754 48.000 87.273
#10 Andrew Gabbert Open 6292 47.000 85.455
#10 Jason Aulwes Open 3601 47.000 85.455
#12 Brian Matthews Open 8051 46.000 83.636
#12 Dale Averkamp Open 14124 46.000 83.636
#14 Justin Peugnet Open 4111 45.000 81.818
#15 Christopher Tressler Open 141 44.000 80.000
#16 Jacobus Blignaut Open 5744 43.000 78.182
#17 Ryan Hancock Open 6011 42.000 76.364
#18 Richard Layton Open 4123 41.000 74.545
#19 Cody Hartsock Open 2640 40.000 72.727
#19 Lyle Steely Open 4430 40.000 72.727
#21 Matt LaVine Open 118 38.000 69.091
#21 Chris Ray Open Non-PRS 38.000 69.091
#21 Andrew Schear Open Non-PRS 38.000 69.091
#24 Christopher Putman Gas Gun 1283 37.000 100.000
#25 David Henry Gas Gun 7663 36.000 97.297
#25 Jillian Schear Open Non-PRS 36.000 65.455
#27 Bryce Miller Open 13426 35.000 63.636
#27 JR., Edward Cox Open Non-PRS 35.000 63.636
#27 Taylor Zahora Open Non-PRS 35.000 63.636
#30 Jason nguyen Open 2815 34.000 61.818
#31 Marc Bean Tactical 4898 33.000 100.000
#31 Tony Lytton Gas Gun Non-PRS 33.000 89.189
#31 Cyrus Larijani Tactical 8125 33.000 100.000
#31 Rob Cumming Production Non-PRS 33.000 56.897
#31 Cole M Open 16463 33.000 60.000
#36 Mitch Tactical 6343 32.000 96.970
#36 Ben Fagerlie Tactical 9673 32.000 96.970
#38 mike thomas Open 15770 31.000 56.364
#39 Jeff Becker Open 14449 30.000 54.545
#40 Kyle Wills Open 15980 29.000 52.727
#40 Ron Aschenbach Open Non-PRS 29.000 52.727
#40 John Thierfelder Gas Gun 7815 29.000 78.378
#40 Chris Webb Open 7380 29.000 52.727
#44 Steve H Vigil Open 8362 28.000 50.909
#44 JAMES SHRAY Production 16737 28.000 48.276
#46 Case H Open 13653 27.000 49.091
#47 Kevin Sing Gas Gun 9105 24.000 64.865
#47 Cody Vincent Open Non-PRS 24.000 43.636
#47 Jonathan Chandler Open 16647 24.000 43.636
#50 Tyler Whetstine Open 14541 20.000 36.364
#50 Kyle Walker Open 14261 20.000 36.364
#52 Pete H Open 13654 19.000 34.545
#53 Richard Jones Gas Gun 8419 18.000 48.649
#54 steve moore Open Non-PRS 17.000 30.909
#55 Craig McGrath Production Non-PRS 16.000 27.586
#55 Francesco Prestia Tactical Non-PRS 16.000 48.485
#57 Brandon Lehner Gas Gun Non-PRS 15.000 40.541
#58 Keith Johns Open 827 13.000 23.636
#59 Jeff Biekert Open 16410 12.000 21.818
#60 Alex Bonham Open 3988 11.000 20.000
#61 Don Larrick Production 7610 10.000 17.241
#61 Teon Gudina Open Non-PRS 10.000 18.182
#63 Jacob H Tactical 14199 9.000 27.273
#64 Benjamin Sell Open Non-PRS 5.000 9.091