2022 Leupold Steel Classic

Navasota, Texas





Jan 29, 2022

Oct 1, 2020


9010 Bob Moore Rd, Navasota, TX 77868, USA TX Precision Matches, Central TX Region


The Leupold Steel Classic PRS Match sponsored by Leupold is a two day Precision Rifle Series Points Match that is designed around the shooter experience. Hosted by TX Precision Matches - known for the best homemade match food and match shirts in the PRS. We treat shooters the way we would want to be treated!

Get your points early in the 2022 season in Central Texas which is very favorable to shooting in the winter months.

Expect a fair course of fire with targets, solid props and well thought out stages that new and experienced shooters will enjoy. Shooters will experience Texas hospitality like no other PRS match with homemade hot lunches both days and bottled water at stages. This match will test your ability to engage targets at various distances out to 1100 yards with different directions of fire. Most targets will be in the 2-3 MOA range. All shooters are welcome to shoot and check dope out to 1100 yards on all open areas of the range of Friday from 1000-1500.

This well staffed match will be smooth and efficient. Expect 18 squads of 10 or less shooters with 18 stages open both days. Shooters will shoot 12-13 stages on day 1 and 5-6 stages on day 2. Expect to be finished shooting by noon on day 2 so you will have time to travel on Sunday.

While you are welcome to bring whatever equipment you like, the match will be designed with the use of a bipod and bag or two. The course of fire will be 200 rounds or less. There will be no pistol.

Match Timeline
Friday, Jan 28th
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Match Registration
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Vendor Demonstrations
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Zero Range Open
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Open Range Day

Saturday, Jan 29th - Match Day 1
8:00 AM - Safety Briefing
8:30 AM - Shooters Report to Stages
9:00 AM - Match Begins
12:00 PM - Lunch Served – Homemade
4:00 PM - Day 1 Complete (expected time)
Sunday, Jan 30th - Match Day 2
8:30 AM - Shooters Report to Stages
9:00 AM - Match Begins
12:00 PM – Lunch served - Homemade
1:00 PM - Match Complete, Expected
1:15 PM - Results Posted, arbitration period begins
1:30 PM - Arbitration period ends
1:30 PM - Awards Presentation


WON Matthew Caruso Open 2632 180.000 100.000 100.000
#2 Brady Allinson Open 6686 176.000 97.778 97.778
#3 Derek Webster Open 3282 174.000 96.667 96.667
#4 Chris Kutalek Open 5720 171.000 95.000 95.000
#5 Chad Estes Open 7339 170.000 - 94.444
#5 Greg Harris Open 5235 170.000 - 94.444
#5 Jake Millard Open 4741 170.000 94.444 94.444
#5 Ross Eldridge Open 5881 170.000 - 94.444
#9 Chad Heckler Open 5027 169.000 93.889 93.889
#10 Kyle Mccormack Open 6823 167.000 92.778 92.778
#10 Sean Nelson Open 5476 167.000 92.778 92.778
#12 Gregory Bell Open 1406 166.000 92.222 92.222
#12 Ruben Quijada Open 5982 166.000 - 92.222
#12 Bradley Allen Open 340 166.000 92.222 92.222
#12 Nick Gadarzi Open 1221 166.000 - 92.222
#16 Derek Love Open 1400 165.000 91.667 91.667
#16 Jimmy Moore Open 7403 165.000 91.667 91.667
#18 Mark Vogel Open 6639 164.000 - 91.111
#18 Krystian Maskos Open 4712 164.000 91.111 91.111
#20 Adam Robinson Open 4029 163.000 90.556 90.556
#20 David Wiese Open 224 163.000 - 90.556
#20 Jake Graves Open 5442 163.000 - 90.556
#20 Jeff Guerry Open 3678 163.000 90.556 90.556
#20 Aaron Roberts Open 395 163.000 - 90.556
#25 Cole Higginbotham Open 6099 162.000 90.000 90.000
#25 Todd Goossen Open 7018 162.000 - 90.000
#27 Keith Rudasill Open 3571 161.000 - 89.444
#28 Clay Open 6643 160.000 - 88.889
#28 Nathan Peterson Open 726 160.000 - 88.889
#30 Lee Stephens Open 5301 159.000 88.333 88.333
#30 Robert Brantley Open 843 159.000 88.333 88.333
#30 Daniel Bergum Open 3932 159.000 - 88.333
#30 Dan Hereid Open 8354 159.000 - 88.333
#34 Matthew Brousseau Open 250 157.000 87.222 87.222
#34 Tony Gohr Open 5053 157.000 - 87.222
#34 Jesse Shwen Open 8322 157.000 - 87.222
#37 GARRET PREECE Open 2394 156.000 - 86.667
#38 Matt Alwine Production 6541 155.000 86.111 100.000
#38 Nathan Toungate Open 4650 155.000 - 86.111
#40 Coulter Mariott Open 4104 154.000 - 85.556
#40 Dan Jarecke Open 1992 154.000 - 85.556
#40 Ryan Adams Open 7903 154.000 - 85.556
#40 Nick Barnard Open 5238 154.000 - 85.556
#40 Jordan Bobocel Open 4826 154.000 - 85.556
#45 Arick Souvanna Open 5237 153.000 85.000 85.000
#45 Jeremy Knutson Open 7835 153.000 - 85.000
#47 Jose Garza II Open 4385 152.000 - 84.444
#47 Michael Lilly Open 2839 152.000 84.444 84.444
#47 Lee Eldridge Tactical 2126 152.000 - 100.000
#47 Rodney Shurman Open 3993 152.000 - 84.444
#47 Cary Ostrander Open 9091 152.000 - 84.444
#47 Ji Zhang Open 5336 152.000 84.444 84.444
#53 Andrew Poindexter Open 6738 151.000 - 83.889
#53 Brian Allen Open 336 151.000 - 83.889
#55 Daniel Farris Open 5732 150.000 - 83.333
#56 Chad King Open 7133 148.000 - 82.222
#57 Phillip Velayo Open 2056 147.000 81.667 81.667
#57 Brandon Rudge Open 4103 147.000 - 81.667
#57 Luke Open 7871 147.000 - 81.667
#57 Zach Stamm Open 8360 147.000 - 81.667
#57 Cody Kennedy Open 7314 147.000 81.667 81.667
#57 Jeremy Von Glahn Open 6511 147.000 - 81.667
#57 Kate Estes Open 7340 147.000 - 81.667
#64 Jarrod Berry Open 4153 146.000 - 81.111
#64 Ben Alicea Open 2679 146.000 - 81.111
#64 David Wheeler Open 2978 146.000 - 81.111
#64 Jake Schur Open 3276 146.000 - 81.111
#64 Tanner Bragg Open 4926 146.000 - 81.111
#69 Conrad Puls Open 91 145.000 - 80.556
#69 Payton Grimes Open 6855 145.000 80.556 80.556
#69 Jason Elliott Open 1692 145.000 - 80.556
#69 Jerry Zwolen Open 3295 145.000 80.556 80.556
#73 Chris Baxter Open 3683 144.000 - 80.000
#73 Austin Lange Open 5373 144.000 - 80.000
#73 Iggy Pozo Open 5103 144.000 - 80.000
#73 Josh Egyed Open 7432 144.000 - 80.000
#77 Josh Smith Open 5663 143.000 - 79.444
#77 TYLER MARTIN Open 5387 143.000 - 79.444
#77 Thomas McCool Open 7513 143.000 - 79.444
#77 Jonathan Berry Open 17 143.000 - 79.444
#77 Tucker Schmidt Open 4783 143.000 - 79.444
#82 Jeff Wankel Open 5084 142.000 - 78.889
#82 Colin Elmore Open 1869 142.000 - 78.889
#82 Justin Ham Production 2019 142.000 - 91.613
#82 Billy Don Kenney Open 5866 142.000 - 78.889
#82 Darryl Bokman Open 887 142.000 - 78.889
#87 BOOM Open 7341 141.000 - 78.333
#87 Mr. Partain Open 1885 141.000 - 78.333
#87 David Nellans Open 3274 141.000 - 78.333
#87 Tyler Canonica Open 5879 141.000 - 78.333
#87 Matt Aheimer Open 5191 141.000 - 78.333
#92 Scott Weaver Open 2423 140.000 - 77.778
#92 Daniel Goodman Open 6257 140.000 - 77.778
#92 Jared Ackerman Open 5214 140.000 - 77.778
#92 Josh Showalter Open 7181 140.000 - 77.778
#96 James Paisley Tactical 5026 139.000 - 91.447
#96 chris hodl Open 9477 139.000 - 77.222
#96 REUBEN ALECKSON Open 9684 139.000 - 77.222
#96 Tim Miller Open 2150 139.000 - 77.222
#100 Ryan Hundl Open 624 138.000 - 76.667
#100 Andy McCulloch Open 5739 138.000 - 76.667
#100 Travis Robb Open 6128 138.000 - 76.667
#100 Joey Pohl Open 1152 138.000 76.667 76.667
#100 Richard Nethery Tactical 5883 138.000 - 90.789
#105 John Hoolihan Open 626 137.000 - 76.111
#105 James Reynolds Open 7000 137.000 - 76.111
#107 Christopher smithhart Open 7659 136.000 - 75.556
#108 Wes Ripley Open 9155 135.000 - 75.000
#109 David Mackie Open 7907 134.000 - 74.444
#109 Zac Mecham Open 2449 134.000 - 74.444
#111 Daniel Brister Open 5089 133.000 - 73.889
#112 Steve Mitchell Open Non-PRS 132.000 - 73.333
#112 Tony Piperato Open 5798 132.000 - 73.333
#114 Clark Curnutt Open 3661 131.000 - 72.778
#114 Rene Ardoin Open 2041 131.000 - 72.778
#114 Lewis Ecker Open 9156 131.000 - 72.778
#117 Timothy Vaught Open 3789 130.000 - 72.222
#117 Arron Sides Open 7310 130.000 - 72.222
#119 Derek DeBakey Open 9279 129.000 - 71.667
#119 Brian Beattie Open 7939 129.000 - 71.667
#121 Tanner Smith Open 6737 128.000 - 71.111
#121 Brandon Korenek Open 9565 128.000 - 71.111
#123 Corey Voges Open 4822 127.000 70.556 70.556
#123 Mark Pease Open 9271 127.000 - 70.556
#123 James Karchut Open 9461 127.000 - 70.556
#123 Roderick Riley Open 1997 127.000 70.556 70.556
#123 Scott Pennebaker Open 6513 127.000 - 70.556
#128 Jeff Reeves Open 4948 126.000 - 70.000
#128 Trey McDaniel Open 7046 126.000 - 70.000
#130 JOHN INDELLICATI Open 9548 125.000 - 69.444
#130 Bob D Open 9015 125.000 - 69.444
#132 Paul Martin Open 5889 124.000 - 68.889
#132 James Voges Open Non-PRS 124.000 - 68.889
#134 Brandon Robinson Open 7162 123.000 - 68.333
#134 Cody Scott Open 8229 123.000 - 68.333
#134 Kili Lilly Open 4019 123.000 - 68.333
#137 Rupert Trevino Open Non-PRS 122.000 - 67.778
#137 CALVIN SMILEY Open 7490 122.000 - 67.778
#139 Ashton Glasscock Open 4531 121.000 - 67.222
#139 Kevin Cardin Open 721 121.000 - 67.222
#141 Johannes Bachmann Open 9099 120.000 - 66.667
#142 Jim Baughman Production 7435 119.000 - 76.774
#142 Jason Coffey Open Non-PRS 119.000 - 66.111
#144 Larry D Production 6038 118.000 - 76.129
#145 Kelly Cowan Open 7265 117.000 - 65.000
#146 ChuckC Open 9126 116.000 - 64.444
#146 Austin Sattler Open Non-PRS 116.000 - 64.444
#146 Matt DeWein Open 2809 116.000 - 64.444
#149 Nick Gutierrez IV Open 6294 114.000 - 63.333
#149 Wyeth Adams Open 9506 114.000 - 63.333
#149 Austin Henigan Open 9519 114.000 - 63.333
#149 James Sherbert Open Non-PRS 114.000 - 63.333
#153 Takashi Open 6499 113.000 - 62.778
#153 Dwight Toth Open Non-PRS 113.000 - 62.778
#153 CHAD CANTRELL Open 5784 113.000 - 62.778
#156 Sean Flannery Open 5154 112.000 - 62.222
#156 Thomas Crosson Open 9317 112.000 - 62.222
#158 David Weers Open 9157 110.000 - 61.111
#158 Josh Stiles Production Non-PRS 110.000 - 70.968
#160 Josh Reid Open Non-PRS 109.000 - 60.556
#161 Andy Drennan Open 8963 107.000 - 59.444
#162 Levi B Open 9215 106.000 - 58.889
#162 Michael Demmer Open 6706 106.000 - 58.889
#164 Aaron Smith Open Non-PRS 105.000 - 58.333
#165 Andrew Roberson Open 9217 104.000 - 57.778
#166 Remy Open 5768 102.000 - 56.667
#167 frank schlett Open 6000 101.000 - 56.111
#168 Frank Elder Tactical 6663 97.000 - 63.816
#169 Clayton Porter Tactical 3193 96.000 - 63.158
#170 Kevin P Open 9267 95.000 - 52.778
#171 Shane Guinther Tactical 5838 90.000 - 59.211
#172 Kevin Arterburn Open 6806 89.000 - 49.444
#172 Steve C Tactical 4193 89.000 - 58.553
#172 Tairan Deng Open Non-PRS 89.000 - 49.444
#175 Roman Filippov Open 6455 88.000 - 48.889
#176 James Harvey Open Non-PRS 87.000 - 48.333
#177 Adam Weinstein Open 9449 85.000 - 47.222
#178 Michael Eckert Tactical 7235 81.000 - 53.289
#178 Kelly Pierce Production 9504 81.000 - 52.258
#180 John Blichmann Open Non-PRS 80.000 - 44.444
#180 Cory Klemashevich Gas Gun 6017 80.000 - 100.000
#180 Scott German Open Non-PRS 80.000 - 44.444
#183 Sarah Lutka Open Non-PRS 77.000 - 42.778
#184 Blair Casey Gas Gun 3088 75.000 - 93.750
#184 Tim OBryan Open Non-PRS 75.000 - 41.667
#186 James "Chase" Lyons Gas Gun 3280 72.000 - 90.000
#187 steven loveless Open Non-PRS 70.000 - 38.889
#188 Clinton Werth Open Non-PRS 68.000 - 37.778
#189 Allen Morrison Production 465 66.000 - 42.581
#190 Todd Liggett Tactical Non-PRS 62.000 - 40.789
#191 WhoopzDayZ Gas Gun 9263 49.000 - 61.250
#192 Standlee Williams Open Non-PRS 38.000 - 21.111
#193 Sam Larkin Tactical Non-PRS 36.000 - 23.684
#194 Logan Schneider Open Non-PRS 33.000 - 18.333