Kennerdell, Pennsylvania
Aug 17, 2019
Apr 17, 2019
255 N Kent Rd, Kennerdell, PA, USA Rockland Precision
Match Description:
This will be a 1 day match that will consist of 10 stages and approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. PRS style stages requiring a varied array of dynamic shooting positions at targets ranging from 300-1100 yds. Roving RO’s will be utilized to ensure everyone can participate.
Round Count = 100 300wm max caliber / 3150 max velocity
This match will serve as the 2nd annual PA vs OH Border war match. This match is open to all, if you are from PA or Ohio your scores will count towards the border war match.
· $90 per shooter, lunch and match shirts will be provided
· Free for spectators
· August 17, 2019
· 6:45 – 7:45 Registration
· 8:00am safety brief
· 8:30am first shots fired
· Bring Snacks as needed
· Dress According to the weather
· AREA419 will provide food for lunch
· Masterpiece Arms will provide trophies to the top 3, top tactical, top mil/leo, top female (if applicable), top youth (if applicable)
· A rifle capable of 1MOA accuracy
· An optic with a ranging reticules / and external turrets
· A Bipod
· An understanding of how to dial your optic to various dopes
· Questions: email Ken Sanoski @
· Registration will be non-refundable
· Registration fees are transferable, must email to confirm change
Registration Closes:
August 10, 2019
Range Address:
255 North Kent Rd
Kennerdell PA 16374
WON | Keith Baker | Open | 2006 | 93.000 | 100.000 |
#2 | Allan Jaworski | Open | 1325 | 84.000 | 90.323 |
#2 | Justin Miller | Open | 4405 | 84.000 | 90.323 |
#2 | Ken Sanoski | Open | 693 | 84.000 | 90.323 |
#5 | Bill Allison | Open | 1246 | 81.000 | 87.097 |
#6 | Matt Stiner | Open | 3119 | 80.000 | 86.022 |
#6 | Allison Zane | Open | 4787 | 80.000 | 86.022 |
#8 | Matt Gillenberger | Open | 1394 | 77.000 | 82.796 |
#9 | David Ostrowske | Open | 311 | 76.000 | 81.720 |
#9 | Nick Wehrle | Open | 2684 | 76.000 | 81.720 |
#9 | Matthew Leezer | Open | 4028 | 76.000 | 81.720 |
#9 | Joe Gentile | Open | 4864 | 76.000 | 81.720 |
#13 | Joseph Thompson | Open | 4034 | 75.000 | 80.645 |
#14 | Andrew Bakowicz | Open | Non-PRS | 73.000 | 78.495 |
#14 | Dylan Myers | Open | 4167 | 73.000 | 78.495 |
#16 | Josh Liles | Open | 4108 | 71.000 | 76.344 |
#16 | Edward Goodwill | Open | 1393 | 71.000 | 76.344 |
#16 | Nick Goda | Open | 5447 | 71.000 | 76.344 |
#16 | Craig Wickham | Open | 3869 | 71.000 | 76.344 |
#16 | Parker Brownlee | Open | 2740 | 71.000 | 76.344 |
#21 | Courtney Shoemaker | Open | Non-PRS | 70.000 | 75.269 |
#21 | nicholas giuliano | Open | 4301 | 70.000 | 75.269 |
#21 | Adam Bentley | Production | Non-PRS | 70.000 | 100.000 |
#24 | Nate Webster-curley | Open | 4270 | 69.000 | 74.194 |
#25 | Nathan Livingston | Tactical | 1746 | 68.000 | 100.000 |
#26 | Ryan Beck | Tactical | Non-PRS | 67.000 | 98.529 |
#26 | Frank Zane | Open | 4587 | 67.000 | 72.043 |
#28 | Brian Barnes | Open | 432 | 66.000 | 70.968 |
#28 | JR Merdian | Open | 3766 | 66.000 | 70.968 |
#28 | Justin McBurnett | Open | 5504 | 66.000 | 70.968 |
#28 | Tyler Riley | Tactical | 1747 | 66.000 | 97.059 |
#28 | Lindsey Newman | Open | 4032 | 66.000 | 70.968 |
#33 | Bill Winland | Open | Non-PRS | 65.000 | 69.892 |
#33 | Matt Chiodo | Open | Non-PRS | 65.000 | 69.892 |
#35 | Jonathan Williams | Open | Non-PRS | 64.000 | 68.817 |
#35 | Rich Gertz | Open | Non-PRS | 64.000 | 68.817 |
#37 | James Riley | Open | 4423 | 63.000 | 67.742 |
#37 | Aaron Heffley | Open | 5194 | 63.000 | 67.742 |
#39 | Matt Kohler | Open | Non-PRS | 62.000 | 66.667 |
#40 | Robin Slovenski | Open | Non-PRS | 61.000 | 65.591 |
#40 | SHANE HULL | Open | 4101 | 61.000 | 65.591 |
#42 | Andy Grayson | Open | 5219 | 60.000 | 64.516 |
#43 | Mike Allison | Open | Non-PRS | 59.000 | 63.441 |
#44 | Jalen Harshbarger | Open | Non-PRS | 58.000 | 62.366 |
#44 | Cameron Collins | Open | 4943 | 58.000 | 62.366 |
#44 | Joseph O'Brien | Open | 930 | 58.000 | 62.366 |
#44 | Nathan Goebel | Open | 4033 | 58.000 | 62.366 |
#44 | Scott TeCulver | Open | 4421 | 58.000 | 62.366 |
#44 | Neil Weaver | Open | 3928 | 58.000 | 62.366 |
#50 | Matthew Diffenderfer | Production | 5228 | 57.000 | 81.429 |
#50 | Terry Dixon | Production | Non-PRS | 57.000 | 81.429 |
#50 | Jason Chapman | Open | Non-PRS | 57.000 | 61.290 |
#50 | Winters Guo | Open | Non-PRS | 57.000 | 61.290 |
#54 | Richard Ellwanger | Open | Non-PRS | 56.000 | 60.215 |
#54 | Keith Inklovich | Open | Non-PRS | 56.000 | 60.215 |
#56 | Josh Clinesmith | Production | Non-PRS | 54.000 | 77.143 |
#56 | Derrick Morgan | Open | 4976 | 54.000 | 58.065 |
#58 | Stan Wodzisz | Open | 4096 | 53.000 | 56.989 |
#58 | Ryan Wolniewicz | Production | 3768 | 53.000 | 75.714 |
#60 | Derrick Benner | Open | Non-PRS | 52.000 | 55.914 |
#60 | Nicholas Padice | Open | Non-PRS | 52.000 | 55.914 |
#60 | Bob Rooks | Open | 1402 | 52.000 | 55.914 |
#60 | Derek Beck | Production | Non-PRS | 52.000 | 74.286 |
#60 | Ryan Coffman | Production | Non-PRS | 52.000 | 74.286 |
#65 | kyle backenstoes | Open | Non-PRS | 51.000 | 54.839 |
#65 | William Ruckman | Open | 5060 | 51.000 | 54.839 |
#65 | Michaela Miller | Open | Non-PRS | 51.000 | 54.839 |
#68 | Steven Lyncha | Open | Non-PRS | 50.000 | 53.763 |
#68 | Ryan Emberg | Open | 4039 | 50.000 | 53.763 |
#68 | Gregg Rossman | Open | Non-PRS | 50.000 | 53.763 |
#71 | Mark Bruckelmyer | Tactical | 4223 | 49.000 | 72.059 |
#72 | Gregg Stewart | Open | Non-PRS | 48.000 | 51.613 |
#73 | Rick | Open | 4074 | 47.000 | 50.538 |
#73 | Sultanzhan Akhmetov | Tactical | 578 | 47.000 | 69.118 |
#73 | Tyler Stanford | Open | 5208 | 47.000 | 50.538 |
#76 | Carlo Mamula | Open | Non-PRS | 46.000 | 49.462 |
#77 | Lynn Smull | Open | 4985 | 45.000 | 48.387 |
#77 | Jon Czerniak | Production | Non-PRS | 45.000 | 64.286 |
#79 | Anna Johnston | Open | 5209 | 44.000 | 47.312 |
#79 | Jacques Webster-Curley | Production | 4353 | 44.000 | 62.857 |
#79 | Justin Romito | Open | 5233 | 44.000 | 47.312 |
#82 | Joseph Arnal | Open | 4932 | 43.000 | 46.237 |
#82 | keith siefert | Open | 4302 | 43.000 | 46.237 |
#84 | Robin Gilmore | Open | Non-PRS | 42.000 | 45.161 |
#85 | Joe Cornell | Open | 4181 | 41.000 | 44.086 |
#85 | Thomas Rayner | Open | Non-PRS | 41.000 | 44.086 |
#87 | John Graber | Open | 5092 | 39.000 | 41.935 |
#88 | Jim Boyd | Production | 5490 | 38.000 | 54.286 |
#89 | Kenny Boyert | Open | 4021 | 37.000 | 39.785 |
#90 | Jeremy Wells | Open | Non-PRS | 36.000 | 38.710 |
#91 | Shawn Powell | Open | Non-PRS | 34.000 | 36.559 |
#92 | Matthew Goda | Tactical | Non-PRS | 33.000 | 48.529 |
#93 | Chris Davis | Production | Non-PRS | 32.000 | 45.714 |
#94 | Rhyde Thomas | Open | 5324 | 29.000 | 31.183 |
#94 | Collin Zahn | Tactical | 4445 | 29.000 | 42.647 |
#96 | Jesse Borgelt | Open | Non-PRS | 28.000 | 30.108 |
#97 | Lou Breitenbach | Open | Non-PRS | 21.000 | 22.581 |
#98 | Jack Grimm | Open | Non-PRS | 20.000 | 21.505 |
#99 | Brandon Johnston | Production | Non-PRS | 17.000 | 24.286 |
#99 | Sean Boyd | Production | Non-PRS | 17.000 | 24.286 |
#101 | Austin Faber | Production | Non-PRS | 9.000 | 12.857 |
#101 | Michael Kusenko | Production | Non-PRS | 9.000 | 12.857 |
#103 | Joe Stewart | Open | Non-PRS | 6.000 | 6.452 |