PRS Czech Republic .22LR NovakHunting 2 days Match - rimfire

Višňová, Středočeský kraj






Competition according to PRS rimfire rules, USA format stages.
Location: Visnova 308, Visnova 262 61
Time schedule: presence of shooters 7:30 to 7:45 on competition day.
Distances 10m - 300m.
Entry fee for children under 18 is FREE, write me an email for registration, I will send an invitation.
Girls, women, ladies, misses: the first 5 registered in the Ladies category are FREE - write before registration, I will send an invitation.
Number of stages:14 - 16 in 2 day competition.
Recommended number of rounds: 200pcs for 2 days match.
Possibility to shoot and practice 1 day before the competition from 12:00, on the day of the competition there will be a short verification at 100m with a time limit of 2 min./ shooter.
It is possible to apply for the following categories:
- Open Professional - time on stage 90sec.
- Open Professional Lady - time on stage 90 sec.
- Open Amateur - standing time 120sec.
- Open Junior - time on stage 120sec. only shooters up to and including the age of 18 can apply for this category.