Feb 23, 2025
Highway 62, Friendship, IN, USA NMLRA Walter Cline Range
This match will consist of 10 stages with a +/-100 round count.
Registration fee is $30 the day of the match
There will be a food truck on location the day of the match and running water restroom facilities available.
Site in range will open at 8:30 am
Match safety brief will be at 9:50 and the match will go live immediately following.
For more information, see the Walter Cline Modern Shooters Facebook page.
WON | Alex Tomlinson | Rimfire Open | 17048 | 89.000 | 100.000 |
#2 | James Williams | Rimfire Open | 17238 | 80.000 | 89.888 |
#3 | Dylan Davis | Rimfire Production | Non-PRS | 76.000 | 100.000 |
#3 | Andrea Goodwin | Rimfire Open | Non-PRS | 76.000 | 85.393 |
#5 | Aaron Myers | Rimfire Open | Non-PRS | 75.000 | 84.270 |
#6 | m kippler | Rimfire Open | 10215 | 74.000 | 83.146 |
#6 | Samantha Williams | Rimfire Open | 17667 | 74.000 | 83.146 |
#8 | Evan Fette | Rimfire Production | 19738 | 70.000 | 92.105 |
#9 | Hunter Harris | Rimfire Production | Non-PRS | 66.000 | 86.842 |
#10 | Marc OMalley | Rimfire Production | Non-PRS | 64.000 | 84.211 |
#11 | Andrew Lowe | Rimfire Open | 16853 | 50.000 | 56.180 |
#12 | Nolan Caudill | Rimfire Production | Non-PRS | 47.000 | 61.842 |
#13 | Brian Wall | Rimfire Open | Non-PRS | 46.000 | 51.685 |
#14 | Lonnie Kirk | Rimfire Open | Non-PRS | 44.000 | 49.438 |
#15 | Randy Johnson | Rimfire Production | Non-PRS | 36.000 | 47.368 |
#16 | Chris Cash | Rimfire Open | 14652 | 27.000 | 30.337 |