EPPRS Freezer Burn

Hamburg, Pennsylvania





Jan 5, 2025

Nov 22, 2024


149 Forge Dam Road, Hamburg, PA, USA Hamburg Rifle & Pistol Club


Welcome to the 2025 Eastern Pennsylvania Precision Rimfire Series! This match will consist of 8 stages in the course of fire with steel targets out to potentially 300 yards. You will need 100 to 120 rounds of ammunition to complete the course of fire.

Shooters will need a .22LR rifle and .22LR ammunition capable of 1 MOA accuracy, a scope with a measurement reticle (we highly recommend a 30MOA or 40MOA scope mount rail to reach the long distances), and a bipod, at minimum. Any other equipment (shooting bags, bipods) may be borrowed at the match from the MD or other shooters. As always, we will always do our best to be welcoming and accommodating of new competitors!

RO Option 3 (“Lead Roaming RO’s”) will be utilized in this match. The Match Director will be one of the lead roaming RO's and may shoot the match per section 3.1.10 of the PRS Rimfire rules.

The Match Book will be provided at match check-in.

8am Zero Range Opens
8:45am Shooter meeting
9am Match Start

It is the shooters responsibility to know the PRS Rimfire Rules and Regulations prior to a competition. https://www.precisionrifleseries.com/static/media/uploads/prs_rules_rimfire.pdf


WON Daniel hostetler Rimfire Open 16503 67.000 100.000
#2 Trenton Whitfield Rimfire Open 7085 66.000 98.507
#3 Steve Llewellyn Rimfire Open 14374 64.000 95.522
#3 Paul Mackewicz Rimfire Open 15732 64.000 95.522
#5 Brendon Cadwallader Rimfire Open Non-PRS 62.000 92.537
#5 Yunkai Zhang Rimfire Open Non-PRS 62.000 92.537
#7 Tony Gimmellie Rimfire Open 57 61.000 91.045
#8 Greg Ardine Rimfire Open Non-PRS 54.000 80.597
#8 Erick Royle Rimfire Open 1991 54.000 80.597
#10 John Wanner Rimfire Open Non-PRS 53.000 79.104
#11 James Moody Rimfire Open 17843 49.000 73.134
#12 Dan Dillier Rimfire Open 16242 48.000 71.642
#12 Joe Glonek Rimfire Open 19013 48.000 71.642
#14 Jason Flax Rimfire Open Non-PRS 43.000 64.179
#15 Matthew Carbo Rimfire Open Non-PRS 42.000 62.687
#16 Chris Koveleski Rimfire Open 9205 39.000 58.209
#16 Phil Newton Rimfire Open 18032 39.000 58.209
#18 Dean Ferraro Rimfire Open Non-PRS 36.000 53.731
#19 Neopheus Rimfire Open 17015 34.000 50.746
#20 John Castiglia Rimfire Open 5323 33.000 49.254
#21 Phyllis Sinavage Rimfire Open Non-PRS 32.000 47.761
#22 Tricia Gill Rimfire Open 19069 31.000 46.269
#23 John Sinavage Rimfire Open Non-PRS 30.000 44.776
#24 Jennifer Poindexter Rimfire Open 19467 27.000 40.299
#25 Evan Wanner Rimfire Open Non-PRS 23.000 34.328
#26 Dylan Mccorkel Rimfire Open Non-PRS 16.000 23.881
#26 Brandon Wanner Rimfire Open Non-PRS 16.000 23.881
#28 Steph Koveleski Rimfire Open 17009 8.000 11.940
#29 Tim Pattison Rimfire Open Non-PRS 6.000 8.955
#30 Nic Pattison Rimfire Open Non-PRS 3.000 4.478