2025 MDT Midsummer Madness

Lower Nicola, British Columbia





Aug 29, 2025

Jun 1, 2025


2348 Woodward Rd, Lower Nicola, BC V0K 1Y0, Canada BC Precision Rifle League


Welcome to the first ever 2-day PRS Match being held in British Columbia, Canada! We have an incredible, wild venue that is nestled in the mountains surround the Nicola Valley/Merritt, BC that offers a varied mix of natural terrain and man made props for shooters to test their skills. This match will be unlike any event ever run in BC and will challenge precision rifle shooters in real-world, modern marksmanship based stages ranging from 200-1200+ yards in varying angles and arcs of fire. Stages will be set up pragmatically to test your mental and physical ability to engage multiple targets, from multiple positions in 105 seconds +/-.

Range entrance location: 50.20428, -120.88400 (Private property, directions up the road way will be marked)
Closest street address: 2348 Woodward Rd, Lower Nicola, BC V0K 1Y0, Canada

Match Directors: Ryan McLean and Josh Botha
Title Sponsor: MDT Sporting Goods
Approximate round count: 200 +/- (bring extra for zero/reshoots)

Friday, 29 August
- Range/zero boards and confirmation steel open for competitors
- Demo stages and vendors available

Saturday, 30 August
- Early start (0730 safety brief likely)
- Shoot 12 stages

Sunday, 31 August
- Early/quick brief
- Shoot remaining 8 stages
- Awards/food/beers

There is dry camping available on site (no water or electrical hook ups) and we're approximately 25 minutes out of the main town of Merritt which has lots of accommodations. There are flat/level sections for RV's and campers, as well as partially wooded sections for tents and hammocks on site. Feel free to come out and camp with us as the vibe around the fire in the evening is always a great time and you can meet new friends. The main road up to the range is dirt, but fairly easy access with most road going cars able to get up without issue. Trucks, SUV's, etc. will be no problem and ground clearance shouldn't be too much of an issue.

We anticipate this to be a hot and dry weekend as the interior of BC gets warm starting in June/July and everything dries out, so we'll do our best to keep you all informed of current conditions and notices in the area. This will ramp up as we near the match. We will have PLENTY of water available and in coolers, stocked up with ice throughout the day as well as hydration packets and snacks. Prepare to be outside and hiking through sparsely wooded terrain for 8-12 hours each day; bring a water bottle, backpack, snacks and any other creature comforts. Lunch will be provided from a local food truck on Saturday and we'll have a banquet/BBQ after the match on Sunday.

We've shot and run enough matches to know that we all want to be done and out of the venue early, so we aim to have the same for this match. All scoring will be done through Impact Scoring, so it'll be live and quick for wrap up at the end. If you have any questions or concerns with border travel or access to this match, please reach out to us directly and we will be sending out information to all competitors leading up to this match.

Josh - jbotha@mdttac.com [778-317-7499]
Ryan - rmclean@mdttac.com
BC Precision Rifle League - bcprecisionrifle@gmail.com