Northwest Minnesota Rimfire PRS Rimfire Match

New York Mills, Minnesota





Oct 12, 2024

Sep 12, 2024

49899 Co Hwy 54, New York Mills, MN, USA


$30 per shooter, cash or Venmo the day of the match. If you shoot both Saturday and Sunday, it is $50 for the weekend.
Register for the Saturday PRS match at
Register for the Sunday NRL22 and PRO match at
8:00am - Check-In/Sight In
8:45am - Stage/Safety Brief
9:00am - Match Start
We will have 8 stages with a round count below 100 rounds; a majority of the stages will be positional.
Stages will remain up for the afternoon. Anyone interested in shooter training after the match, we will continue to shoot after awards. Trainers will be available to work with all levels of shooters!
Sunday we will also host the NRL22 October course of fire. Register for that match at Those planning to stay for both days - we will have a bonfire and good times in the evening!
Camping on site is available for a reasonable donation to the range to cover water, electricity, etc. If you need camping, please email us at or shoot us a message on Facebook.
Trophies will be awarded for the top shooter in Open, Factory, Lady, Junior, and Senior. Scores will be submitted to the Precision Rimfire Series.
RO Option 3 will be used. Please ensure that you have someone in your squad that is an experienced shooter and can run a tablet with Practiscore, and ensure someone in your squad can spot with a tripod and optic.
Food and drinks will likely not be available at the match, so please plan accordingly! We will announce if they will be available for purchase.
Please be prepared for the weather and conditions.
Email Adam and Suzie with questions at See less


WON Troy Tyson Rimfire Open 1471 71.000 100.000
#2 Chad N. Rimfire Open 18191 64.000 90.141
#3 Tim Warner Rimfire Open 18891 62.000 87.324
#4 Justin Uhlir Rimfire Open 16263 60.000 84.507
#5 Ruth Soucie Rimfire Open 7203 58.000 81.690
#6 Steve R Rimfire Open 3956 57.000 80.282
#7 Tanner Monk Rimfire Open 4087 56.000 78.873
#7 Ryan Schroeder Rimfire Open 5352 56.000 78.873
#9 Rusty Harris Rimfire Open 4641 53.000 74.648
#10 Dewhirst, Chad Rimfire Open 15542 51.000 71.831
#10 Russ Johannsen Rimfire Open Non-PRS 51.000 71.831
#10 Ben Rosaasen Rimfire Open 10018 51.000 71.831
#13 Todd Anderson Rimfire Open Non-PRS 49.000 69.014
#14 JT Hall Rimfire Open Non-PRS 48.000 67.606
#15 Ben Krueger Rimfire Open Non-PRS 46.000 64.789
#16 Cody Smith Rimfire Open 4023 44.000 61.972
#17 Jeannine johannsen Rimfire Open Non-PRS 43.000 60.563
#18 Dakota Gantz Rimfire Open 4289 39.000 54.930
#19 Tony Bjerke Rimfire Open Non-PRS 33.000 46.479
#20 Ginger Schroeder Rimfire Open Non-PRS 29.000 40.845
#21 Jerry Solheim Rimfire Open Non-PRS 28.000 39.437
#21 Will Rohrig Rimfire Open 4541 28.000 39.437
#23 Kiah Staloch Rimfire Production Non-PRS 21.000 100.000
#24 Aaron Kurashige Rimfire Open 4642 20.000 28.169
#25 Jennifer Anderson Rimfire Open Non-PRS 18.000 25.352
#25 Keaton Podliska Rimfire Open Non-PRS 18.000 25.352