PRS Italy National Championship FINALE





Jul 27, 2024

Jan 18, 2024

Le Arcate Shooting Range Via Acquaviva 2 Località Nugola Nuova Collesalvetti, Italy 57014 PRS Italy - ASD DLR Dynamic Long Range


ASD DLR sport association organize the PRS Italy National Championship FINALE
Match valid also for European PRO Series

16 stages ( USA format stages )
100/1000 meters
The majority of shots should be between 300-800m with not too many shots past 800m

target size
0-300m .2-.4 mil
300-500m .3-.6mil
500-700m .4-.7mil
700m and over from .6 and up

Target sizes on par with the USA but adjusted to range and conditions.

Stage time 90/120 seconds
minimum 160 rounds




Senior ( anyone turning 55 years old or older )

Shooter classes

Pro, Semi Pro, Marksman, Amateur, Unclassified

Shooting range “ Le Arcate Shooting Range “

Registration will be completed after making the bank transfer to ASD DLR IBAN IT92W0306909606100000191456
Competition fee 160 euro’s (not refundable)

Specify fee PRS Italy National Championship FINALE
The transfer must be made starting from 18/01/2024 and by 20/07/2024
After this date, reservations will be accepted and those who have not formalized registration will lose priority to participate in the competition.

for DLR membership holders the number is the same, for those who have not obtained the yearly membership card, follow the procedure on the website in the "membership/tesseramento" section
or do it directly on the shooting range, the cost is 30 euros.
While waiting for the DLR card number to be issued for new members, enter TBN.

All shooters must be in good standing according to Italian law with regard to permits to carry and / or transport weapons and the use of permitted calibers.
The organization declines all responsibility for failure to comply with the regulations in force on firearms.
Suppressor in Italy is not allowed

Rules PRS ( with PRS Italy exceptions )


WON Sindre Nyland Open 16814 155.000 100.000
#2 Moritz Mayr Open 14507 150.000 96.774
#3 Christoph Stronz Open 16816 144.000 92.903
#3 Juraj Cermak Open 8877 144.000 92.903
#5 Alberto Bompan Open 11925 141.000 90.968
#6 Matteo Open 17240 140.000 90.323
#7 Seppo Sixt Open Non-PRS 139.000 89.677
#7 Jakub Dvořák Open 19568 139.000 89.677
#9 Javier Menor "The Spaniard" Open 11283 138.000 89.032
#10 Runar Open 16855 137.000 88.387
#11 Radek Novak Open 16801 136.000 87.742
#11 Daniele Papa Open Non-PRS 136.000 87.742
#13 valentina lanotte Open 12025 135.000 87.097
#13 COMBAZ Gilles Open 16963 135.000 87.097
#15 Dylan CAPIN Open 17800 132.000 85.161
#16 Xavier Mareuil Open 17115 131.000 84.516
#16 Vincent Muehlleitner Open 17511 131.000 84.516
#18 Pavel Jarolím Open 18035 129.000 83.226
#19 Tereza Helštýnová Open 16119 127.000 81.935
#19 Andrea Zanchetta Open Non-PRS 127.000 81.935
#19 Andrea Cambiotti Open 19251 127.000 81.935
#22 Thorunn Jonsson Open 18205 125.000 80.645
#23 Diana K Open 16804 123.000 79.355
#23 Rafal Smialkowski Open 19525 123.000 79.355
#25 benjamin Signoud Open 18833 118.000 76.129
#26 Premysl Hvezda Open Non-PRS 116.000 74.839
#27 Damien Bouverot Reymond Open 19375 115.000 74.194
#28 Giordano Cipriani Open 16432 114.000 73.548
#28 Andrea Locatelli Open 17406 114.000 73.548
#28 Alessio Luzzo Open 18089 114.000 73.548
#31 Lenka Dvořák Rousková Open 19991 113.000 72.903
#32 Stefan Zeindl Open Non-PRS 111.000 71.613
#33 Bendegúz Lajkó Open Non-PRS 109.000 70.323
#34 SeGaMa Open 17144 107.000 69.032
#35 Jakob Juffinger Open Non-PRS 102.000 65.806
#36 Johann Kotterisch Open 19304 101.000 65.161
#37 Thomas Schuerrer Open 19551 97.000 62.581
#38 Giordano Cambiotti Open Non-PRS 94.000 60.645
#38 Angelo Manca Open Non-PRS 94.000 60.645
#38 Fabian Grasser Open 18848 94.000 60.645
#41 Jordan Hote Open Non-PRS 90.000 58.065
#42 Michaela Fialova Open Non-PRS 89.000 57.419
#43 Andrea Clemente Open 18083 88.000 56.774
#44 Philipp Heine Open Non-PRS 87.000 56.129
#45 Bertrand Clavel Open 16858 86.000 55.484
#45 Guido Pozzoli Open Non-PRS 86.000 55.484
#47 Ingo Schuller Open Non-PRS 85.000 54.839
#47 Gabriel Maiolini Capez Open Non-PRS 85.000 54.839
#49 Markus Zadra Open Non-PRS 82.000 52.903
#50 Cédric VIDONI Open 17389 77.000 49.677
#51 Martin Furlmeier Open Non-PRS 73.000 47.097
#52 Hans-Joachim Rimke Open Non-PRS 72.000 46.452
#53 Adolfo Ferreira Pechs Open Non-PRS 58.000 37.419
#54 Erwin Hendel Open Non-PRS 44.000 28.387