Rupert, West Virginia
PRS rimfire match. 22lr only targets ranging from 10-350 yards. 85% or more of the targets are under 250 yards. 10 Stages, 100-125 rounds. This match will require a lot of movement. Plan for 80+ different firing position
Price is $40 per shooter, $10 for youth under 16.
50 and 100 yard sight in range will open at 0800.
Safety brief at 0845 match will start at 0900.
Lunch, drinks, and light snacks will be provided.
All rifles must be chambered in 22lr and use factory loaded lead projectiles, no hand loaded brass projectiles allowed . Shooters must also have a mag block or chamber flag for when rifles are not being used.
Payments will be in cash due on the day of the match.