Macks Creek, Missouri





May 20, 2023

Apr 1, 2023


398 Foxtrotter Lane, Macks Creek, MO, United States MMSR


398 Foxtrotter Ln.
Macks creek, Missouri 65786

Check in starts at 8am and zero line opens. Brief at 830am, match starts at 900am.

This is a suppressor match. Loaner suppressors will be available and provided by FULL CIRCLE RELOADING.

Match Limited to 80 Shooters! Registered and Paid shooters will be allowed to squad once approved.

8 Stages, Prone and Positional, 1 Point per Hit, Limited Rounds & Time on each Stage

100 Rounds or Less, No Pistol

Bolt and Gas Guns up to .30 cal/3200 fps

Lunch will be provided, bottled water provided at stages

Registration Fee per Shooter - $55

****Shooters that register and pay online before the match will be allowed to squad once approved. Walk up/waitlisted shooters that pay at the match will be assigned a squad the morning of the match.****

MMSR reserves the right to balance the number of shooters in squads the day of the match in the event the match does not fill up.

Basic Match Rules

Shooters will start with rifle port arms (in hand standing), magazine in and bolt back.
Shooters will start with all equipment needed for the stage in hand or may go back to retrieve equipment once the clock starts. No shooter will pre-position any gear or equipment prior to the clock starting.
Movement during a positional stage will be done with magazine in and bolt back. Gas guns will select safe and verbalize "Safe" before moving.
Muzzle discipline will be strictly enforced with no more than 45 degrees of muzzle movement allowed either side of the direction of fire. All stages are 90 degrees to each other.
AD or ND - If a Rifle discharges when it was not intended to due to either an equipment malfunction or shooter negligence as in firing a round before intended, the shooter will be asked to stop shooting for the remainder of the day. The shooter will keep any points accrued for the match up to that point.
Firearm Control - Shooter is expected to be in control of their firearm at all times during the course of fire. If a shooter looses control and drops a firearm, the shooter will be disqualified from competing the rest of the match, but will keep any points accrued for the match up to that point.
Shooter will ensure magazine removed and bolt back before leaving the firing position upon completion of a stage.
Professional behavior is expected from all shooters. Displays of poor sportsmanship or cheating will not be tolerated. The goal is to have fun.
All shooters are safety officers and are expected to speak up to ensure compliance with all above rules in a professional manner.
Please adhere to the 15 MPH Speed Limit on the range and do not drive on any areas that appear to be soft and muddy!


Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 shooters at the end of they year based on the top 3 scores for the year plus the end of the year finale match score which will count for double points. Trophies will be awarded to shooters that finish at the top of each class.

This will apply to all one-day trophy matches as well. All shooters will start out as open shooters, then will be awarded trophies based on match performance that day.

Match Fee is non-refundable. In the rare event that MMSR cancels a match, registration fees will be refunded. If the shooter cannot attend the match after registering, no refund will be given. The match will be limited to 80 shooters to enable efficient match flow.


WON Greg Connoyer Open 4543 72.000 100.000
WON Randall Grisham Open Non-PRS 72.000 100.000
#3 Derek Duncan Open 1944 71.000 98.611
#4 Clayton Anderson Open 3795 66.000 91.667
#5 Quent Robinson Open Non-PRS 64.000 88.889
#6 Matt Boggess Open Non-PRS 63.000 87.500
#7 Thomas McCullough Open 7938 62.000 86.111
#8 TRENT KEEN Open 7767 60.000 83.333
#8 Eric Williams Open Non-PRS 60.000 83.333
#10 Buzz Masters Open 2169 58.000 80.556
#10 Dan Britten Production 13557 58.000 100.000
#12 Jared Anderson Open 9935 57.000 79.167
#12 Tyler Faye Open 3821 57.000 79.167
#14 Randy Holloway Open Non-PRS 55.000 76.389
#14 Will Winberry Open Non-PRS 55.000 76.389
#14 Dwayne Norton Open 8831 55.000 76.389
#17 Josh Perry Open 14889 53.000 73.611
#18 Brian Davee Tactical Non-PRS 51.000 100.000
#18 Cody Lee Open Non-PRS 51.000 70.833
#18 Jeremy Grisham Open Non-PRS 51.000 70.833
#21 Eric E Open 9528 50.000 69.444
#21 Garrick Vanderwal Open Non-PRS 50.000 69.444
#23 Luke Crawford Open 7692 49.000 68.056
#24 Kendale Rakes Open Non-PRS 47.000 65.278
#25 Joe Myers Production Non-PRS 46.000 79.310
#26 Grant E Open 10890 42.000 58.333
#27 Vinny Bezold Open Non-PRS 41.000 56.944
#28 Sam Newman Open Non-PRS 40.000 55.556
#28 Danny Brown Open Non-PRS 40.000 55.556
#30 Brent Davis Open 9672 39.000 54.167
#30 Michelle Steger Open Non-PRS 39.000 54.167
#32 Donelson Precision Production 14561 38.000 65.517
#33 Jack Brazeal Open Non-PRS 37.000 51.389
#34 Matt Woody Open 15470 34.000 47.222
#35 Jake Niccum Open Non-PRS 33.000 45.833
#36 Adam Hays Open Non-PRS 32.000 44.444
#37 Samson Hurt Open Non-PRS 31.000 43.056
#38 Bennie Wilt Open 5277 30.000 41.667
#39 Ruth Roper Open 14484 29.000 40.278
#39 Cassie Keller Tactical Non-PRS 29.000 56.863
#41 Jacob Spillars Open 10990 28.000 38.889
#42 Daniel "DOC" Diaz-Arias Gas Gun Non-PRS 27.000 100.000
#43 Tom P Open 16384 25.000 34.722
#44 Patrick Breedlove Production Non-PRS 23.000 39.655
#44 Kyle Laub Production Non-PRS 23.000 39.655
#46 Justin Wycoff Open 10278 17.000 23.611
#47 Mitchell Ritter Production Non-PRS 16.000 27.586