2023 MKM (PPRC 4)

Kennerdell, Pennsylvania





Apr 15, 2023

Mar 13, 2023


255 N Kent Rd, Kennerdell, PA, USA MKM Precision


Welcome to MKM PPRC Match 4. It will consist of 10 stages of positional and modified prone shooting. Shooters will engage targets out to 1100 yards and expect to shoot a total of 10 stages. Please bring 100 rounds of ammunition (additional ammo is suggested if you need to zero). Par time will be 105 seconds (1min 45sec) for each stage. SQUADING WILL OPEN ON THE WEDNESDAY BEFORE THE MATCH AT 6PM. ANY SHOOTER NOT SQUADED BY THURSDAY WILL BE PLACED IN A SQUAD RADOMLY.

It is expected of you as a shooter to have a rifle capable of 1 MOA accuracy or better, adjustable/exposed turrets for dialing elevation and windage adjustments, and also an understanding of your rifle ballistics and verified data to accurately shoot 1100 yards.

The match will utilize roving RO's, this means one lead RO will be assigned to each squad and they will take the lead on scoring and spotting. It’s expected for everyone to chip in and help out. Please bring binos / spotters if you have one. Safety is are largest concern, please be attentive during the brief.

Lunch will be provided to all shooters at the conclusion of the match. Please bring the necessary snacks needed to sustain throughout the day.

FRIDAY: Optional
Train-up (Times will be sent in match email)
$30 paid upon arrival

Registration / Check in / Zero Range - 8:00am
Zero Range Closes at 9:00am
Safety Brief @ Conex Tower on Main Range - 9:00am
First Shots Fired - 9:00am
End of Match - 3:00 pm (Trophies will be awarded to all of the top shooters)

SUNDAY: PRS22 Points Match

PPRC Membership

Please contact Matt Stiner with any questions or concerns.
Email: mstiner@mkmprecision.com
Phone/Text: 330-207-5847


WON Tyler Reynolds Open 7558 91.000 100.000
#2 Allison Zane Open 4787 88.000 96.703
#3 Gregg Stewart Open 6021 87.000 95.604
#3 Derek Beck Open 7345 87.000 95.604
#3 Ian Kinal Open 4435 87.000 95.604
#6 David Ostrowske Open 311 86.000 94.505
#7 Scott TeCulver Open 4421 85.000 93.407
#8 Matt Stiner Open 3119 84.000 92.308
#9 David Hall Open 9337 83.000 91.209
#10 Dave Herold Open 7388 79.000 86.813
#11 Mark McCensky Open 3981 78.000 85.714
#11 Jesse skocic Open 9245 78.000 85.714
#13 Philip Guglielmo Open 9435 77.000 84.615
#14 Chance Norris Open 10641 75.000 82.418
#15 Zach Y Open 10324 74.000 81.319
#15 Ryan Emberg Open 4039 74.000 81.319
#17 Dalton Kates Open 6998 73.000 80.220
#17 Joe Werner Open 5844 73.000 80.220
#19 James Taraczkozy Open 9183 70.000 76.923
#19 Andy Grayson Open 5219 70.000 76.923
#21 Allan Jaworski Tactical 1325 69.000 100.000
#22 Tyler Marburger Open 10853 68.000 74.725
#23 Reese Thompson Open 7978 67.000 73.626
#23 Thomas Murray Open 9896 67.000 73.626
#25 Mitchell Fabry Production 7577 66.000 100.000
#25 Raymond Mozes Open 9832 66.000 72.527
#27 Nicholas Schnur Open 7305 65.000 71.429
#27 JP Noel Open Non-PRS 65.000 71.429
#29 James Baughman Open Non-PRS 64.000 70.330
#29 Kenn Burdick Open 1800 64.000 70.330
#31 Tony Rocco Open Non-PRS 63.000 69.231
#31 David Christman Open 7296 63.000 69.231
#33 Rick Lovely Open 14985 62.000 68.132
#33 Matt Drenters Open 1735 62.000 68.132
#33 Ralph Neumann Open 3707 62.000 68.132
#33 Cody Hullinger Open 8921 62.000 68.132
#37 William Ruckman Open 5060 61.000 67.033
#38 Eugene Jankowski Jr. Open 1891 60.000 65.934
#39 Derrick Morgan Tactical 4976 58.000 84.058
#40 Heath Suraba Open 1849 57.000 62.637
#40 Sean Bolopue Open 9206 57.000 62.637
#42 Stefanie Burdick Open 3866 56.000 61.538
#43 Dave Production 7503 54.000 81.818
#44 Lawrence Firmi Open 6671 53.000 58.242
#44 Frank Zane Open 4587 53.000 58.242
#44 Eric Eilberg Production 6578 53.000 80.303
#47 Trevor Langel Tactical 7586 52.000 75.362
#47 Jon Stacy Tactical 7212 52.000 75.362
#47 Brett Armstrong Open Non-PRS 52.000 57.143
#50 Alan Maslonek Open 728 51.000 56.044
#50 Justin Chechuck Open 14688 51.000 56.044
#52 Greg Moore Open 4819 50.000 54.945
#52 Joe Gemballa Open 2673 50.000 54.945
#54 Milford Lovett Open 3980 47.000 51.648
#54 Matthew Cawood Open 14238 47.000 51.648
#56 Steve Bollinger Open 10655 46.000 50.549
#57 Colton Saal Production 15547 45.000 68.182
#57 Nick Wehrle Open 2684 45.000 49.451
#59 Stephen Mueller Open Non-PRS 44.000 48.352
#59 Zachary Ruckman Tactical Non-PRS 44.000 63.768
#59 Nick Fornicola Open Non-PRS 44.000 48.352
#62 David Weber Open 15188 43.000 47.253
#63 Ed Loccisano Open Non-PRS 42.000 46.154
#63 Ed Bearint Open 14604 42.000 46.154
#63 Michael Morocco Production 10586 42.000 63.636
#66 William Fromknecht Open 9173 39.000 42.857
#67 rich salkeld Open Non-PRS 38.000 41.758
#68 Mark Phillips Open 5045 36.000 39.560
#69 Eric P. Open 7232 35.000 38.462
#70 Edward Koegler Open 3901 34.000 37.363
#71 Josh Liles Open 4108 33.000 36.264
#72 Dan Bokros Production 14874 31.000 46.970
#73 David Barton Open 5658 27.000 29.670
#74 Jason Squatrito Open Non-PRS 23.000 25.275
#75 Michael Leger Production Non-PRS 21.000 31.818
#75 Nathan Henderson Gas Gun Non-PRS 21.000 100.000
#77 Timothy Magill Open Non-PRS 20.000 21.978
#78 Kyle McGrogan Open 16347 19.000 20.879
#79 David Haas Open 14669 18.000 19.780
#80 TM 6.5 Open 8305 9.000 9.890