The Right to Bear Arms PRS Rimfire

Gladstone, Virginia





Sep 10, 2022

May 11, 2022

2019 W James Anderson Hwy, Gladstone, VA 24553, USA Black Bear Shooting Complex


PRS Rimfire & MARS Match ~10 stages ~125 round, Targets will be from 25–300 yards
You do not need to be a PRS, to participate but we encourage you join so that your scores are tracked in the series.

New shooters are always welcome and encouraged!!!

The Course of Fire will be given upon arrival

Administrative & Logistics:
Please use Waze and the following address:
2019 W James Anderson Hwy
Gladstone, Va 24553

Any question please email me or text (804)519-8245.

Lunch will be provided.

Schedule of Events:
• 8:00-8:45am – Registration
• 8:50am - Safety Brief
• 9:15am - First rounds down range
• 2:00-3:00pm Match Completion


WON BisSilent Rimfire Open 6940 97.000 100.000
#2 MIKE BURNS Rimfire Open 4917 96.000 98.969
#2 John solinsky Rimfire Open 7264 96.000 98.969
#2 Micah Kuhn Rimfire Open 7465 96.000 98.969
#2 Marc Wright Rimfire Open 8384 96.000 98.969
#6 Dakota Wright Rimfire Open 8451 94.000 96.907
#7 Jeff McPeake Rimfire Open 2253 93.000 95.876
#8 Brian Kendall Rimfire Open 9962 91.000 93.814
#8 Brian Blevins Rimfire Open 7515 91.000 93.814
#8 chris underwood Rimfire Open Non-PRS 91.000 93.814
#11 Justin Light Rimfire Open 6710 90.000 92.784
#11 Chris Walker Rimfire Open 8447 90.000 92.784
#11 John Griffin Rimfire Open 7281 90.000 92.784
#11 Mike Early Rimfire Open Non-PRS 90.000 92.784
#15 Lee Himelright Rimfire Open Non-PRS 89.000 91.753
#15 Rocky Lockridge Rimfire Open Non-PRS 89.000 91.753
#15 Denver Nail Rimfire Open Non-PRS 89.000 91.753
#15 Tim McPeake Rimfire Open 2185 89.000 91.753
#15 Willard persinger Rimfire Open 8749 89.000 91.753
#20 Thaddeus Ernst Rimfire Open 9761 88.000 90.722
#20 Jeff Fogleboch Rimfire Open 9096 88.000 90.722
#20 Chris Corey Rimfire Open Non-PRS 88.000 90.722
#23 Anthony Hughes Rimfire Open Non-PRS 87.000 89.691
#23 Erich Leipold Rimfire Open 10385 87.000 89.691
#25 Travis Painter Rimfire Open 7285 85.000 87.629
#25 Jeremy Weatherholtz Rimfire Open 10400 85.000 87.629
#27 William Martindale Rimfire Production Non-PRS 83.000 100.000
#27 Keith Stiltner Rimfire Open Non-PRS 83.000 85.567
#29 Kayla Cole Rimfire Open Non-PRS 82.000 84.536
#29 Richard Brooks Rimfire Open 3195 82.000 84.536
#31 Derrick Layman Rimfire Open 14006 81.000 83.505
#31 Jerry Copley Rimfire Production 6972 81.000 97.590
#31 MIKE RYAN Rimfire Open Non-PRS 81.000 83.505
#31 Chris Harris Rimfire Open Non-PRS 81.000 83.505
#35 Allen Rudd Rimfire Open Non-PRS 80.000 82.474
#36 Jimmy Smith Rimfire Open Non-PRS 79.000 81.443
#36 Stephen Ferguson Rimfire Open Non-PRS 79.000 81.443
#38 Berend Vandermeer Rimfire Open Non-PRS 77.000 79.381
#39 Thomas Comeaux Rimfire Production Non-PRS 76.000 91.566
#40 Isaac Dasher Rimfire Production 13682 75.000 90.361
#40 david huber Rimfire Production 7925 75.000 90.361
#40 JR. Walker Rimfire Open 8442 75.000 77.320
#43 Gerald Simpson Rimfire Open Non-PRS 74.000 76.289
#44 Joshua VanDyke Rimfire Open Non-PRS 73.000 75.258
#45 Charles Ward Rimfire Production 5279 72.000 86.747
#45 Jeff Kidd Rimfire Open 7694 72.000 74.227
#47 perry comeaux Rimfire Production Non-PRS 71.000 85.542
#48 John Mootz Rimfire Production Non-PRS 70.000 84.337
#49 James bibb Rimfire Production Non-PRS 67.000 80.723
#50 Stephen Hurst Rimfire Production 8157 66.000 79.518
#51 Riley Montgomery Rimfire Open Non-PRS 65.000 67.010
#52 Ian Boyer Rimfire Open Non-PRS 61.000 62.887
#53 David Peterson Rimfire Open Non-PRS 58.000 59.794
#54 Henry Jordaans Rimfire Production Non-PRS 55.000 66.265
#55 Connor Madison Rimfire Open Non-PRS 54.000 55.670
#56 Jairus bibb Rimfire Production Non-PRS 53.000 63.855
#56 Steven Vandermeer Rimfire Open Non-PRS 53.000 54.639
#58 Mike VanDyke Rimfire Open Non-PRS 47.000 48.454
#59 Bill Madison Rimfire Open Non-PRS 33.000 34.021