Kennerdell, Pennsylvania
This is PRS REGIONAL POINTS SERIES MATCH and will consist of 10 stages of positional and modified prone shooting. Shooters will engage targets out to 1100 yards and expect to shoot a total of 10 stages. Please bring 100 rounds of ammunition (additional ammo is suggested if you need to zero). Par time will be 105 seconds (1min 45sec) for each stage.
It is expected of you as a shooter to have a rifle capable of 1 MOA accuracy or better, adjustable/exposed turrets for dialing elevation and windage adjustments, and also an understanding of your rifle ballistics and verified data to accurately shoot 1100 yards.
The match will utilize roving RO's, this means one lead RO will be assigned to each squad and they will take the lead on scoring and spotting. It’s expected for everyone to chip in and help out. Please bring binos / spotters if you have one. Safety is are largest concern, please be attentive during the brief.
Lunch will be provided to all shooters at the conclusion of the match. Please bring the necessary snacks needed to sustain throughout the day.
POPRC Membership Registration:
Shooters have a 7 day grace period to become a member.
FRIDAY: Optional
Train-up (11:00-4:30PM)
$30 paid upon arrival
Registration / Check in / Zero Range - 7:00am
Zero Range Closes at 8:00am
Safety Brief @ Conex Tower on Main Range - 8:10am
First Shots Fired - 8:45am
End of Match - 3:00 pm (Trophies will be awarded to all of the top shooters)
SUNDAY: Optional
PRS22 Regional Points Series
$30 paid upon arrival
Register here: TBA
Please contact Matt Stiner with any questions or concerns.
Phone/Text: 330-207-5847
WON | Allison Zane | Open | 4787 | 88.000 | 100.000 |
#2 | Mark McCensky | Open | 3981 | 81.000 | 92.045 |
#2 | Ken Sanoski | Open | 693 | 81.000 | 92.045 |
#4 | Allan Jaworski | Open | 1325 | 79.000 | 89.773 |
#4 | Ian Kinal | Open | 4435 | 79.000 | 89.773 |
#6 | Ryan Beck | Open | 6546 | 77.000 | 87.500 |
#7 | Tyler Reynolds | Open | 7558 | 75.000 | 85.227 |
#7 | David Ostrowske | Open | 311 | 75.000 | 85.227 |
#9 | Brad McDermott | Open | 6631 | 74.000 | 84.091 |
#10 | Bill Allison | Open | 1246 | 73.000 | 82.955 |
#11 | Derek Beck | Tactical | 7345 | 72.000 | 100.000 |
#11 | Frank Zane | Open | 4587 | 72.000 | 81.818 |
#13 | Gregg Stewart | Open | 6021 | 71.000 | 80.682 |
#13 | Stephen Gaumond | Open | 6856 | 71.000 | 80.682 |
#15 | Lester Miller | Open | 6800 | 70.000 | 79.545 |
#16 | Ken Shirey | Production | 6173 | 68.000 | 100.000 |
#16 | Joe Werner | Open | 5844 | 68.000 | 77.273 |
#16 | Ryan McCullough | Open | 7623 | 68.000 | 77.273 |
#19 | Matt Stiner | Tactical | 3119 | 67.000 | 93.056 |
#20 | Ben Feight | Open | Non-PRS | 66.000 | 75.000 |
#21 | Andy Grayson | Open | 5219 | 65.000 | 73.864 |
#22 | John Galati | Open | 6995 | 64.000 | 72.727 |
#22 | Scott TeCulver | Open | 4421 | 64.000 | 72.727 |
#22 | Anthony Pierucci | Open | Non-PRS | 64.000 | 72.727 |
#25 | Derrick Warren | Open | 6330 | 63.000 | 71.591 |
#26 | Zachery Shreve | Open | 7449 | 62.000 | 70.455 |
#27 | Bill Ruckman | Tactical | Non-PRS | 61.000 | 84.722 |
#27 | David Christman | Open | 7296 | 61.000 | 69.318 |
#27 | Ryan Emberg | Open | 4039 | 61.000 | 69.318 |
#27 | John Griffin | Open | 7281 | 61.000 | 69.318 |
#31 | Ashley Held | Production | 6588 | 60.000 | 88.235 |
#31 | Dalton Kates | Open | 6998 | 60.000 | 68.182 |
#31 | Jim Baughman | Open | 7435 | 60.000 | 68.182 |
#34 | Cameron Collins | Tactical | 4943 | 59.000 | 81.944 |
#35 | Jay Pokrifka | Open | 6962 | 58.000 | 65.909 |
#35 | Andrew Makos | Open | Non-PRS | 58.000 | 65.909 |
#35 | Jim Boyd | Open | 5490 | 58.000 | 65.909 |
#35 | CARLO LODICO | Open | Non-PRS | 58.000 | 65.909 |
#39 | Lawrence Firmi | Open | 6671 | 57.000 | 64.773 |
#39 | Rick | Open | 4074 | 57.000 | 64.773 |
#39 | Derrick Morgan | Tactical | 4976 | 57.000 | 79.167 |
#39 | Nicholas Padice | Open | Non-PRS | 57.000 | 64.773 |
#43 | Gary schlicht | Open | 6887 | 56.000 | 63.636 |
#43 | Ray Marree | Open | Non-PRS | 56.000 | 63.636 |
#43 | Dave Herold | Open | 7388 | 56.000 | 63.636 |
#43 | Brice Koprivnak | Production | 6443 | 56.000 | 82.353 |
#47 | Alan Maslonek | Open | 728 | 54.000 | 61.364 |
#47 | Justin Romito | Open | 5233 | 54.000 | 61.364 |
#47 | Alan Smith | Open | 7401 | 54.000 | 61.364 |
#50 | Griff Welch | Production | 7530 | 53.000 | 77.941 |
#50 | Nicholas Schnur | Open | 7305 | 53.000 | 60.227 |
#50 | Zack Moran | Open | 4128 | 53.000 | 60.227 |
#50 | Bob Rooks | Open | 1402 | 53.000 | 60.227 |
#54 | Mitchell Fabry | Production | 7577 | 51.000 | 75.000 |
#54 | Joe Gemballa | Open | 2673 | 51.000 | 57.955 |
#56 | Chad Reid | Open | 7323 | 50.000 | 56.818 |
#57 | Willie Smith | Open | 6291 | 49.000 | 55.682 |
#58 | John Graber | Open | 5092 | 48.000 | 54.545 |
#58 | Jamie McDonough | Production | 6884 | 48.000 | 70.588 |
#60 | keith siefert | Open | 4302 | 46.000 | 52.273 |
#61 | Ed Loccisano | Open | Non-PRS | 43.000 | 48.864 |
#61 | Bret Surdock | Open | 7344 | 43.000 | 48.864 |
#61 | Kurt Ives | Open | 7398 | 43.000 | 48.864 |
#61 | Thomas Richardson | Open | Non-PRS | 43.000 | 48.864 |
#65 | Rhyde Thomas | Open | 5324 | 42.000 | 47.727 |
#66 | Deborah Gaumond | Open | 6854 | 41.000 | 46.591 |
#66 | Carlo J. LoDico | Open | Non-PRS | 41.000 | 46.591 |
#68 | Chris Schreiber | Tactical | 5519 | 37.000 | 51.389 |
#68 | Matthew Davison | Open | 7428 | 37.000 | 42.045 |
#70 | Milford Lovett | Open | 3980 | 36.000 | 40.909 |
#71 | Kevin Yu | Production | 7179 | 35.000 | 51.471 |
#72 | Joseph Stewart | Open | 7311 | 34.000 | 38.636 |
#73 | John 4 Galati | Open | 7036 | 32.000 | 36.364 |
#74 | Paul Peppelman | Open | 5911 | 31.000 | 35.227 |
#75 | John Castiglia | Open | 5323 | 28.000 | 31.818 |
#76 | Ryan Smith | Open | Non-PRS | 26.000 | 29.545 |
#77 | Norseman | Open | 7167 | 23.000 | 26.136 |
#78 | Mark Van Dyke | Open | Non-PRS | 10.000 | 11.364 |