Summer Biathlon Series





Aug 11, 2019

Aug 1, 2019

Storm Mountain Training Center, Inc., 2053 Pinnacle Road, Elk Garden, WV 26717 Storm Mountain Training Center, Inc.


Match Description: Each of these events will be a 1 day match. Summer Biathlon is the warm-weather version of the Winter Olympic sport of biathlon. Our Summer Biathlon events combine running and rifle marksmanship. Note that the rifle is NOT carried in summer events. The rifles will be racked at the range with chamber/barrel indicators inserted.

Course Description: The course is divided into four segments, with three stops at the range.

• Run 1K to 2K • Enter the Range and Shoot 10 Shots in the Prone Unsupported. • Run 1K to 2K • Enter the Range and Shoot 10 Shots in the Standing Unsupported. • Run 1K to 2K • Enter the Range and Shoot 10 Shots in the Kneeling Unsupported. • Run 2K to the finish line.

Your time will be based on how long it took you to run and shoot the entire event plus a credit of 15 seconds for each hit for prone and kneeling and a 30 second credit for each standing hit. Winner will be based on the fastest time.

Targets: 24” x 24” Steel Human ½ E Silhouettes.

Target Distances: 600 Yards.

Round Count: 30 + Sighting Rounds.

Cost: •$100 per shooter •Free for spectators •7:00 – 8:00 Registration •8:15am safety brief •8:30am first shots fired •Bring Snacks as needed •Dress According to the weather •Trophies or plaques to the top 3 finishers

Requirements: •A rifle capable of 1MOA accuracy •An optic with a ranging reticles and external turrets •An understanding of how to dial your optic to various dopes

Registration: •Questions, email: [email protected] •Registration will be non-refundable.

Dates: June 23, 2019, August 11, 2019, Sept. 1, 2019, October 20, 2019