Precision Rifle Series Podcast - Hosted by Ken Wheeler, guests Brad Wright (Leupold) and John-Kyle Truitt (Foundation Stocks) come on to discuss the new PRS Sportsman Division.
2.1.5 Sportsman Division2.1.5a Sportsman Division rifles will be limited to 13 pounds, 0 ounces. Weight to include rifle, optic, muzzle device, bipod, empty magazine and all detachable accessories (suppressor, level, dope card, night vision rail, diving board, etc). Mustweigh in using the magazine that will be used for competition, if desired to use a 12 round magazine it must be used for weigh-in. Any extra magazines to be equal orlighter weight may be kept on the shooter. Must use the rifle in as weighed in configuration or less. Cannot attach a front plate / plate bag. Removal of bipod or other attached accessories is acceptable. Sling or other mountable device used for transportation may be removed for weigh in. Tripods for use as support are not considered in the weight of the rifle, may only be used where allowed by the MD and follow MD tripod deployment procedure.2.1.5b Sportsman Division rifles can be custom, factory or factory modified rifles. Modifications for accuracy or weight are acceptable.2.1.5c Sportsman Division rifles will be limited to 6.5 Creedmoor caliber only. Ammunition will not be controlled, factory or hand-loaded ammunition is acceptable butcannot exceed a muzzle velocity of 3,200 fps.2.1.5d Match Officials may request at any point during a match that a competitor fire their rifle through a chronograph. If the bullet exceeds the 3,200 fps speed limit, the shooter will receive an automatic match DQ.
Keywords: Precision Rifle Series, hunting, tactical shooting, rifle categories, optics, competition rules, 6.5 Creedmoor, sportsman division, rifle weight, shooting sports, shooting sports, sportsman division, rifle technology, competition rules, community engagement, mentorship, innovation, hunting rifles, shooting experience, precision rifle series